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Funding Available For Companion Animal Welfare Work


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The Ministerfor Agriculture, on behalf of the Government, is offering financial support tonon-government, not-for-profit organisations that improve the welfare ofanimals.

The $1.6million Animal Welfare Fund was developed in recognition of the excellentcompanion animal welfare services being delivered across Victoria by manynot-for-profit organisations. These grants recognise that companion animalsplay a significant role in the lives of Victorians.

Eligibleorganisations can apply for a small grant (up to $10,000 GST free) or a largegrant ($10,000- $50,000 GST inclusive).

The2015/2016 Grant Round (Round 4) will focus on services, systems orinfrastructure which improve the efficiency and effectiveness of foster careand rescue groups, therefore the Minister strongly encourages theseorganisations to apply for grant funding.

Funding willnot be restricted to foster care networks and rescue groups, consideration willalso be given to applications covering the following areas:

1. Providing community education programs on responsibleownership of animals, including consideration of ethics, sentience and duty ofcare;

2. Providing animal relief services and use of facilities tothe community during an emergency;

3. Providing improvement in the rates of reuniting companionanimals to their owners and re-homing of companion animals;

4. Providing facilities to promote dog exercising in parks andsocialisation classes for dogs.

Projectsmust relate to at least one of the following types of companion animals kept aspets: cats, dogs, horses, rabbits, reptiles, caged birds, guinea pigs, ferrets,rats or mice.

Onlineapplications for Round 4 grant funding in 2015/2016 open today (1 July 2015),and close 31 July 2015 at 11:59pm.

Informationabout the Program, including online applications, FAQs and examples of projectsthat could be eligible for funding, can be accessed from this link:


Happy to help with submissions for MDBA members who qualify to apply.

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