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Can Dogs Legally Ride In The Front Seat Of A Car?


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I had her walking on the passenger side of the car with the lead rope coming through the passenger side window and I held it while I drove along at about 5 ks an hour.

Maybe the cops would have been fine with it. Unless they were the ones that had cleaned up a mess caused by someone else doing it and it going wrong.

It was a routine thing amoung racehorse trainers... to exercise their horses on public roads. And I think there might have been a couple of bad accidents because of it. I know there have been quite a few bike+dog horror crashes where the dog has crossed the path of the bicycle and wiped everybody out or run into traffic and pulled the cyclist with them.

The rule has the feel of coppers who have seen it go wrong saying - this should be illegal.

The endurance club in SA routinely uses bikes and leads to train endurance with their dogs...

So generally the cops don't bother with enforcing it. They've probably got more important / urgent things to do like chase ice cooks.

It's not something I'd normally do, but it was extraordinary circumstances and the middle of the night so no traffic around.

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Sometimes you gotta do what you gotta do and to hell with the rules and the risks... Glad it worked out for you.

Middle of the night - in my experience - is when the worst drivers are out. The ones who drive like total lunatics, run through intersections without looking - because - there's no traffic - right?

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I highly doubt they would have booked you trying to save your horse during those fires Kirislin! From what I saw it was a case of do what you've gotta do to get people and animals out. I also doubt there were a whole lot of bad drivers hooning around there that night, just other people trying to get to safety.

I'm glad you got her out ok :)

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