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Crate Size Question

Bambi & Me

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Hi all in a newbie here but have been lurking for quite a while :p I was just wondering, do you think a large size crate (92.5cm x 57.5cm x 65.5cm), with a indoor potty (64cm x 51cm) is roomy enough for a Cav up to a year old? After that I hope to move the potty out and leave the crate open. My puppy arrives next month and she will be 8 weeks old.

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Personally I wouldn't be encouraging a pup to toilet in the crate. I'd prefer a smaller (open) crate as a bed if you can't supervise and a play pen with a toilet area. It's much clearer for the pup. Ideally you want to be getting pup outside regularly but I understand that's not always possible. Pup needs distinct sleeping, eating, toileting and playing areas. Start as you mean to go on!

Edited by The Spotted Devil
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Personally I wouldn't be encouraging a pup to toilet in the crate. I'd prefer a smaller (open) crate as a bed if you can't supervise and a play pen with a toilet area. It's much clearer for the pup. Ideally you want to be getting pup outside regularly but I understand that's not always possible. Pup needs distinct sleeping, eating, toileting and playing areas. Start as you mean to go on!

Agree absolutely with this.

My Cavaliers have 30 inch crates. 24 inch would be too small. My dogs are 10.7kg and 11.5kg.

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Thanks for the replies guys. I just read online that putting the potty in the crate is a good option but obviously not. When I outdoor train her how do I also train her to go on her indoor toilet if needed? Eg. Home alone, cold/rainy weather etc.

I home school so would only leave the house for 3 hours at most, but I still want her to be independent in case an emergency ever occurs. Also, since I have red dirt and white carpets, she won't be going outside in the rain! I have three indoor cats so this dog business is a whole new ball game.

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I wouldn't be teaching a tog to toilet inside EVER, regardless of weather.

Prepare an are outside that the dog can toilet, put some fake grass if you have to.

We taught our newest dog where to toilet inside if she had to and it's made life much easier :shrug: She won't go anywhere except the two spots we picked out and if the towels aren't there, she won't go. Because she only goes where we want her to, cleaning up is easier and we don't have to worry about the carpet getting stained.

I'm actually regretting not having thought to have done that with the Idiot Dog because this time of year, it rains constantly and even if he's physically put outside, he'll just huddle in the back porch until he's let in again- and then will wee on the lounge room floor anyway. If we'd thought to train him the same as we trained Shitty Whippet, I wouldn't have spent two hours yesterday cleaning wee out of my carpet :/

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I leave my pups indoors alone for a maximum of 4 hours (large crate or pen) - they have plenty of mental and physical exercise (includes training!), I make sure they have toileted and then pop them in the crate/pen with a stuffed Kong or a Turkey wing. Mostly I get home and they yawn drowsily at me with rarely an accident...straight outside for a pee.

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Definitely don't encourage her to pee in the crate no matter what - that breaks down their natural instincts not to pee where they sleep and makes for a very smelly future.

Small crate or bed (if you have no other reason to crate train her) and a play pen with a toilet area will work fine.

If you want to train her to use a doggy loo, do so right from the start - later on it could be moved outside and in wet weather if you intend to physically prevent her going onto the lawn/dirt then she has already learned that the doggy loo is the place to go. (You would have to teach her that the doggy loo is the doggy loo whether it's inside or outside as dogs tend to learn places rather than objects).

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agree with the above. i have never taught an indoor toileting- but someone helpful wil chime in :)

I have 2 x 24" crates and one 30" crate. For overnight sleeping i would go the 30" just for that extra stretching room and piece of mind. but the 24" also fits each one of mine perfectly fine :)

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I'd also suggest that you have a chat to your breeder - my 4 week old Springer babies are about 70% accurate with the pee pad. Sometimes they forget when they are playing or just can't get there quickly enough once they wake up. Their mum still cleans them up too so they are sometimes stimulated to urinate in their bed but it's rarely an active choice.

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Your 36 inch/92 cm crate is a nice size for leaving puppy alone for short times or overnight. Enough room to stretch & walk. All my dogs were trained on newspaper or puppy loos as babies & as adults go outside to toilet fine. Sometimes they just can't hold on when small & so young. It is easier with bigger breeds.

Some people believe in crating & training with only enough room to stand & turn. I couldn't do that, I don't care if it works.

It is your dog & you must keep it & confine it in a way you are comfortable with. As you are asking is that crate big enough I am guessing you don't like confining ? Your crate is fine & you can extend it using puppy pen or Bunnings Compost Panels & some plastic garden cable ties.

I think the more room you can give a puppy to run & stretch the better its bones & muscles develop.

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I wouldn't train a dog to toilet inside, especially not in their crate, I don't use them but dogs don't like to toilet where they sleep naturally. I'd set up an area outside for toileting with fake grass or something similar :)

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