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Andy - My Invisible Westie


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I find I have to be careful of my youngest westie Andy - he's such a healthy robust little man that he can become invisible - compared with the high maintenance needs of the older two. Here he is on his back in front of the fire right now.


I'm really interested to know if anyone else has a dog who is so low maintenance they have to be careful to pay them enough attention in the face of other competing high maintenance canine family members??

Edited by westiemum
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Mine is past tense.

Tibor would just remain in the background if either Gabor or ZsaZsa were doing the Ringling Brothers Circus act aka feed me.

Once, Tibor even got left outside on the back porch. Gabor had tripped the door so it shut. I had feed them ( how unusual) & then heard this tiny whimper....

Tibor was sat patiently waiting.

After that, I made a point of 'doing' for him first at least a couple times a day. I tell you his tail wagged in delight.

I found the dogs knew there was a pecking order & were amenable.

Times of sickness, of course, allowed for a different approach.


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Guest Clover

The Border Collies are pretty "invisible" , especially Elvis. They get fed, they sleep inside & get walked when we can, they lack in affection though :/.

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Yes my husband and I were only discussing this a couple of days ago.

We are back to 5 dogs and have always noticed Astro our pomxchi, unlike the rest of the pack will sit back and not ask for attention very often. He has always been a bit more independent although he loves a cuddle and belly rub.

Funny when were at the off leash park he's the only one that won't leave my side, he constantly pokes me in the back of the leg while we're walking just to make sure I know he's there.

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Yes, poor Henry has been left out a few times, locked behind doors etc. as he is just so quiet!

I do give him just as much attention, but he doesn't ask for it as much as the others.

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Kira, our Border Collie, fades into the sofa, and snoozes in the face of the crazy Jingo Jack Russell demanding to be on my lap, fed, etc. Kira patiently watches, and when Jingo gets a treat, simply waits for me to walk over to her and hand feed her hers. She is such an easy going girl that I need to constantly be aware I must interact with her. She is happy to be within 3 feet of me! and between Tip passing away,and Jingo arriving, Kira did not change her personality at all,even given the extra attention she got, so it is her choice! The combination of two personalitiies suits us all,

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Kira, our Border Collie, fades into the sofa, and snoozes in the face of the crazy Jingo Jack Russell demanding to be on my lap, fed, etc. Kira patiently watches, and when Jingo gets a treat, simply waits for me to walk over to her and hand feed her hers. She is such an easy going girl that I need to constantly be aware I must interact with her. She is happy to be within 3 feet of me! and between Tip passing away,and Jingo arriving, Kira did not change her personality at all,even given the extra attention she got, so it is her choice! The combination of two personalitiies suits us all,

It's always super when different personalities blend to make a happy pack.

Nothing fazed Tibor. Gabor was neurotic but he came to us as a 7 monht old rescue with attached baggage. Thank Dog, we worked thro' his fobiles and found underneath the best dog ever. ( silly as but who needed to tell a loyal & faithful dog anything like that. :heart:) Gabor was my Heart dog.

When Gabor was being silly, Tibor would sit & look at him as if to say 'are you for real'...


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Yes. Wolf is 12 now so she is monitored more closely. Tempeh is still full of quirks and keeps us constantly on our toes. Then we have Stussy who is my heart girl and all love. Never sick or needy, she just fits herself in. What I do is give her quality cuddles every day. She lies on me while I watch tv at night and she likes to sleep touching me at night. I try to always rub her favourite spots while putting up with the inconvenience of 18kg of dog lying on me or poking me with toenails or a cold nose. It is how we stay connected.

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laugh.gifthumbsup1.gif I know what you mean about the cold nose LG!!! Andy likes to get up close and personal and then rolls over on his back to be held like a baby!!!embarrass.gif

I call Andy my little chunky one - he's compact robust and a bit rotund!!!

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I've only got one dog and she's super high maintenance, and quite willing to demand attention LOUDLY when she wants it. I try not to reward that but sometimes - anything to stop the yelling...

But sometimes she is invisible. One of her fave spots is between the back of the couch and the wall.

And she often disappears in the back yard and gets accidentally shut out there (tho she's quite good at asking to be let back in when she's ready).

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Thanks Yonjuro - here's my favourite photo of him right side up! I think he looks like he's smiling - not bad for a puppy farm rescue!!


ETA I should add this photo is Snook's master work! I still marvel that she managed to get such great photos - thanks again Snook.thumbsup1.gif

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Thanks Yonjuro - here's my favourite photo of him right side up! I think he looks like he's smiling - not bad for a puppy farm rescue!!


ETA I should add this photo is Snook's master work! I still marvel that she managed to get such great photos - thanks again Snook.thumbsup1.gif

That is GORGEOUS.... shows what a darling Andy is.


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Thanks Yonjuro - here's my favourite photo of him right side up! I think he looks like he's smiling - not bad for a puppy farm rescue!!


ETA I should add this photo is Snook's master work! I still marvel that she managed to get such great photos - thanks again Snook.thumbsup1.gif

Oh wow, that's wonderful. what a happy and handsome boy :thumbsup: :thumbsup: :thumbsup:

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Yep BC - he came from THAT notorious puppy farm that used to operate 2 hours outside Adelaide and thank goodness is no more. He's done so well from the fearful little man I picked up all those years ago who had never been in a car or house, wasn't toilet trained, had never eaten out of a bowl, couldn't walk on a lead and was badly socialized - to being mistaken for a show dog by a judge in the grooming competition at the Royal Adelaide Show last year. He and his very young groomer won first place!! He's come such a looooong way - and I couldn't be prouder. :) :) :)

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