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K9 Pro Training


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Apparently now we can only email him once a week :(


As I mentioned on the phone, we recommend sending a weekly update to Steve. This is really important so he can stay up to date on your progress and make any adjustments to your training program. You can of course email him more frequently but we find it works more efficiently for most owners to send a weekly update. There is no limit to how many emails you can send, it is just more practical to send a weekly email rather than daily ones :)

As Steve is in consults with other owners all day 6 days a week it would also be near impossible to reply to every client on a daily basis if every one sent an email each day which is also why we recommend weekly rather than daily updates.

ETA: I will be in the office most of the day today so feel free to give me another call if you have any other questions :)

Edited by huski
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Just another glowing recommendation here. I went to see Steve on one of his visits to Brisbane, just like Canetoad. (In fact Canetoad was there with Jonah as I left my consult with Luka :wave: ) I can honestly say I have never felt such confidence in a trainer. I had consulted a few other trainers before Steve but always felt a bit like they weren't telling me anything I didn't already know. Steve was brilliant and I came away feeling so confident that things would change for the better.

I will admit I found the email correspondence a bit difficult and so wish I lived closer to be able to have more one on ones, but I'm sure you will not regret a decision to go with K Pro at all. :thumbsup:

I remember a friend of mine was shocked that I was spending so much on an hour consultation (It ended up being more than that, it's not like "time's up you've got to go now :D) . This same person spent hundreds of dollars on pet toys, beds etc when she brought her boy home. He ended up knocking her over and breaking her ankle becasue he was so big and boisterous. I know where I would rather spend my money.

Good Luck :)

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Another huge Steve fan here - he really is a true "Dog Whisperer". I went to a workshop quite a few years ago now, with an extremely timid GSD who was pretty much afraid of everything, but most especially men. Steve had her eating out of his hand (literally), and was honest enough to tell me that he did not think I would be able to achieve my goal (competitive Obedience) with her. He could have said yes you can come back every week and we'll fix the problem, but I was blown away by his honesty. Was hoping to start training with Steve with another GSD, but have been plagued by mobility problems (mine, not the dog's, lol). 100% recommendation from me.

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I had an intensive session with Steve about a month ago because I want to trail my boy and I know that having a foot in both the old style and new style of training I really needed to get a grip on the newer techniques. I have a strong relationship with my boy and always train off lead however I am under skilled in moulding his drive and behaviour into what I desire for the obedience ring. My boy responded really well and all I can say is I am glad Kupa doesn't know his owner is a numpty and it is taking time for me to learn the right techniques. It is taking a while to learn the methods and apply them appropriately so he understands what is being asked of him - despite me Kupa's obedience. focus and ability has improved significantly. Steve gives full support and is very approachable and patient with me. So I would absolutely recommend K9 Pro he addresses your issues with you & your dog.

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My mum has a 13week old Border Collie who is divine but a quite timid and afraid when out and about so I said to mum that if she's hesitant to go for a lesson straight away then wait to see how mine go and if she thinks she wants to give it a go after seeing how I find it then she can book one for her and Oakie.

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You won't be disappointed!

With all the free info Steve supplies on his website and one phone consultation just before we got our pup we now have the most awesome 18month old dog, he honestly is everything we could wish for :)

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Willowlane I am sure you won't be disappointed. Steve and girls at K9Pro are great! The email and video follow up works very well for me, and I only live 7 minutes from K9Pro headquarters!

I first took my boy Archie at 5 months old for a puppy program consult with Steve. Had no idea what to do with this wild puppy who it seemed to me had an attitude problem LOL I'd never had so much trouble with a puppy before and his prey drive and rank drive were beyond my skills. I thought I'd be given some info on how to train my puppy and that would be that! Instead, everything I knew got turned on its head. Two years on and they're stuck with me :D

The journey of learning how to build such a great bond with my dog has become addictive - the benefits of our 'team-ness' have flowed through to the show ring, our home life, and now we're starting to make inroads in our training goals for obedience. We had some dark days. A couple of training sessions have become behavioural consults when I've really messed things up. But nothing ever felt impossible or too big to overcome. He's a trainer, behaviouralist, educator, and above all, a dogman. There are few true 'dog people' around. He's one of them.

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