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If they like the gun dog temperament, I'd go for a smaller gun dog or even a CKCS

Terrier temperament isn't for everyone - you have to want that.

Why not visit a dog show and look around. If they like terriers, there are smaller, lighter ones than SBTs. Personally I love a good Fox Terrier (Smooth) - attitude to burn!

ETA: Agree with Wreckit that a younger SBT is likely to overwhelm an ageing Lab. They don't tend to be gentle.

How old are they? Smaller dogs aren't necessarily ideal for older owners. Why not a mature Lab?

Edited by Haredown Whippets
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I wouldn't put an SBT with a frail and aging dog. SBT's put the shoulder in and they don't go around things, they go straight through them. To be fair to the old dog, I wouldn't bring one into the home until he's gone.

I agree here. If they really want an SBT I'd wait till the old boy has passed.

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Stafford rescue in Victoria frequently has oldies needing homes. This would be a win-win as they can get the size they want and get a dog with an appropriate energy level. The downside of course is that they would also be getting another old dog to grieve over too soon.

15kg is the middle of the standard, so not small, just average :laugh:

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