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Dogs With Jobs


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Very proud of my Daffy Dog & Ozzie Dog, Daffy (Champion Tapua Celtic Charm) has been leased to Truffle Hunting Australia and is heading to WA with her cousin Scappy Doo for the winter truffle season. And Ozzie puppy is about to placed in his working home as a service dog for Smart Pups Qld :) I love when my dogs have a job to do and do it well :)

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Was Scrappy Doo the one who went to the soldier? All your dogs are just so amazing and I'm sure they don't think of it as work at all!

No that was Dimples now known as 'Sapper' much loved by his dad Andrew :flower: Mind you Sapper was a snot of a puppy the day after his 'Puppy Pre-School Graduation' he did this ... little bugger lol


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Was Scrappy Doo the one who went to the soldier? All your dogs are just so amazing and I'm sure they don't think of it as work at all!

No that was Dimples now known as 'Sapper' much loved by his dad Andrew :flower: Mind you Sapper was a snot of a puppy the day after his 'Puppy Pre-School Graduation' he did this ... little bugger lol


Sorry but I heard a different story..... a cat invaded the lounge room and made all this mischief. LOL.

It's a long standing & well know fact many an innocent puppty gets blamed for stuff.

*winks* I joke too.

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So awesome! OH and I want to go on a truffle hunting holiday one day!

Take Gus. He can find a cat turd miles away, if you tell him thats what he is looking for you're set.

For real though, how fabulous! Tapua you are awesome!

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Congratulations Tapua, it is great to see dogs working for their living and doing such an excellent job.

Dogs (spaniels) that I have bred are working all over the world doing unimaginable jobs like locating noxious weeds and finding cheetah scats as well as the more usual drugs, money and bodies! Gives dog breeding an extra dimension!

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Was Scrappy Doo the one who went to the soldier? All your dogs are just so amazing and I'm sure they don't think of it as work at all!

No that was Dimples now known as 'Sapper' much loved by his dad Andrew :flower: Mind you Sapper was a snot of a puppy the day after his 'Puppy Pre-School Graduation' he did this ... little bugger lol


Ummm... isn't that a normal morning greeting from a Labrador puppy though?


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Ummm... isn't that a normal morning greeting from a Labrador puppy though?


At the very least a Vizsla greeting, and I heard a Rotti might also greet in similar fashion...


Yep. Willow once fluffed up a toilet roll for my comfort.

That is to say...quietly shredded it, up and down the hallway. :laugh:

Edited by Dory the Doted One
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Congratulations Tapua, it is great to see dogs working for their living and doing such an excellent job.

Dogs (spaniels) that I have bred are working all over the world doing unimaginable jobs like locating noxious weeds and finding cheetah scats as well as the more usual drugs, money and bodies! Gives dog breeding an extra dimension!

Yes I have working ESP too - well one bitch actually - they are like energiser bunnies with an extra up their butts. Love my Possum Chops to bits only 10 months old and an amazing hunter. I need to find her a good husband some time :)

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You can see the dogs working on www.trufflehunters.com.au I will get photo and videos sent as the months go by. Scrappy is a cousin to Daffy dog and she is one of Adrian's top workers. Here is a photo of Ozzie puppy he is about to be placed in his service home the trainers say he is an old gentle soul great with kids. https://fbcdn-sphotos-e-a.akamaihd.net/hphotos-ak-xat1/v/t1.0-9/11208669_929652970430206_1524223251724752393_n.jpg?oh=1ad8f7458318a51b2213b21af9bc7f9e&oe=55CB77AA&__gda__=1438995317_c1aeee1098e5bc5db185b0dfaa8fb7b4

If you want to see what some of our other dogs do have a look at our website and click on the 'Dogs with Jobs' section. www.tapualabs.com

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Ummm... isn't that a normal morning greeting from a Labrador puppy though?


At the very least a Vizsla greeting, and I heard a Rotti might also greet in similar fashion...


Yes... it IS a Rotti morning greeting as well... *grin*


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