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Eye Injury


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So yesterday, I was kicking a ball for Luka and the goofball manged to get in front of it as I kicked it. It's a Chuckit kick fetch ball. Made of hard foam. It hit him squarely in the eye :cry: He didn't yelp or anything but slinked off so I had a look and his eye was closed up. I prised it apart, which didn't seem to hurt him and it looked fine. I kept an eye on him and over the next couple of hours the eye returned to normal. He seemed totally fine.

Tbh I forgot all about it today. He has seemed absolutely fine, however he has just come over to me and I have noticed the white of his eye is very red.

Now, normally it would be off to the vets in the morning no problem. The problem here is Luka's fear issues. I do not want to go to the vet if it isn't warranted. Especially as she is going to have to get so close to look in his eye, it's going to be a very stressful day, for him and me Obviously if he needs it we will suck it up and go but wondered what people thought. Could he have any serious damage going on. He seems totally fine, doesn't mind me touching it.

Advice? Experiences?

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If it were me, I wouldn't be waiting until morning.

Late one night I noticed Annie's eye wasn't right, so I took her to the after hours vet immediately. Turned out to be uveitis, thought to be caused by trauma (not sure how, I didn't see it happen), so luckily we caught it very quickly and she was fine.

Hope it turns out to be something easily fixed.

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It does look red . If it was me Teekay I'd keep Luka monitored tonight & tomorrow morning if you think Luka is in discomfort or her eye has changed in any way. Any swelling etc. Off to the Vet.

Edited by BC Crazy
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Poor Luka and you, Teekay - always something going wrong with out loved ones.

I imagine Luka's eye is pretty bruised and probably burst blood vessels. In a similar situation, I would not hesitate - straight off to the vet. However, your situation is complicated by Luka's fear. Why don't you call the vet, perhaps get a valium dose and organise a visit to your home.

I know valium doesn't work for everyone and I have used it only on one of my dogs who used to get really afraid when storms were brewing, but you could be guided here by your vet.

I wouldn't leave it, though.

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If it were me, I wouldn't be waiting until morning.

Late one night I noticed Annie's eye wasn't right, so I took her to the after hours vet immediately. Turned out to be uveitis, thought to be caused by trauma (not sure how, I didn't see it happen), so luckily we caught it very quickly and she was fine.

Hope it turns out to be something easily fixed.

Thanks for that Kayla. Gave me something to Google :)

A dog with anterior uveitis will have pain in the eyes. There may also be squinting, pawing at the eyes, eye redness, excessive tearing or discharge from the eye, change in the appearance of the pupil (it may look smaller or take on an odd shape), change in the shape or color of the iris, swelling of the eyeball, or a dull or cloudy-looking eye.

Definitely doesn't appear to be that. He isn't is any discomfort, no discharge, no pawing, no inflammation, the eye isn't cloudy at all, it's just seems to be affecting the white of the eye.

A visit to any other vet but the one he knows would be a massive massive deal for him involving some kind of sedation. It's not an easy call to make when the injury appears to be so minor. I really do not want to put him (and me) through that and possibly set him back in his progress with his fears. As I said i will if I have to, I'm just trying to establish if I have to. Difficult over the internet I know..

I do appreciate your replies :)

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I've had a bit of experience with eye operations so have come to know that after injury or surgery, the whites of eyes remain red and inflamed for a long time, so it isn't alway and indication of how bad an injury might be. If Luka isn't bothered by it, maybe it is safe to wait and see.

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Thanks DD, My gut is telling me there would be more discomfort if there was something sinister going on but did want to check on here incase there was something that could be going on with no outward symptoms. i guess that's always a possibility but I have to weigh up the stress factors. So much to consider when you have a reactive dog :cry:

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Teekay the problem with diagnosing is the other symptoms "may appear".

I would say you would be best to at least call a vet and get advice on whether you can wait until morning and see your regular vet or if you should see an emergency vet.

Edited by LisaCC
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Can you call a vet and ask? I have found the emergency vets nearby very happy to answer questions via phone after my normal vet clinic have closed for the day.

I'd call a vet, if they say it isn't an emergency I'd ask if using eye drops would help and get the name of a specific brand, then I'd reassess in the morning or call my regular vet if I was still unsure and follow his advice.

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I also suggest phoning a vet :)

It will be red & there will be bruising in there as well , most likely . It could well be like any bump, & disappear in its own time . BUT , at least speaking with a vet, and maybe sending them the photo/s will help with decisions .

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Ok. vet says if there is no swelling and no discomfort we should be fine to wait and see how it is in the morning. I also checked his pupil response and it was fine so hopefully we are all good.

Stoopid dog always tries to get between you and the ball when you're kicking it it. I guess I will through it from now on but I throw like a girl :D

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Poor Luka! From his photo in your sig I never would've guessed he has severe fear issues -- he looks like such a happy, loveable goofball!

Definitely keep an eye on him during the night and if anything worse happens then unfortunately he'll need to see the vet. Going on your photo though it does look a lot more like irritation because I've seen a similar redness with Zeus on really windy days when we've got lots of grit flying around.

I hope he gets back to normal soon! :hug:

I also feel your pain because Kirah always stands in the line of fire too when we're playing fetch. The amount of times I've nearly kicked or hit her in the face ... I've lost count! *eye roll*

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I work at an animal eye specialist. From your photo, I wouldn't be stressing. The front of the eye looks clear, no cloudiness, pupil looks ok and the redness is not extreme. If she is holding the eye open and the pupil is responding to light, just let her be. You can use a cool compress if she will let you. Signs to look for will be squinting, cloudiness/haze in the eye and uneven pupils.

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Hope it's all OK this morning.

Years ago I had a dog which ran into the house (no, don't ask but it was a Stafford so that explains pretty much everything). Same thing - eye lid closed, swollen, red eye. Turned out just fine :)

Edited by Sandra777
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I work at an animal eye specialist. From your photo, I wouldn't be stressing. The front of the eye looks clear, no cloudiness, pupil looks ok and the redness is not extreme. If she is holding the eye open and the pupil is responding to light, just let her be. You can use a cool compress if she will let you. Signs to look for will be squinting, cloudiness/haze in the eye and uneven pupils.

Wish I had read this last night Kirty. Damn me for turning the computer off too early :laugh:

Thanks Sandra. The eye still looks good this morning still a bit red but certainly nothing pointing to anything more serious. He is just fed up with me keep messing with him to look at it :laugh: I'll leave it alone now and stop stressing :)

Thanks Rsa, he is such a happy dog at home, and out, as long as there is no one else around. He has improved tremendously, we can walk past people on walks now without a reaction but if anyone approaches us to talk or for a pat, they change their mind very quickly :( he may not be that big, but boy, is he loud.

Edited by teekay
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How's our patient this morning Teekay? hope lovely Luka is doing OK. Their eye's can be so sensitive & tricky at times.

So true what you say about owning a reactive dog. Everything needs to be planned down :)

Kirty thanks for your interesting input. I will remember those signs to look out for regarding an eye injury.

Edited by BC Crazy
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