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Sorted! H U G E Thanks To Denali & Perse :)


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All sorted :cheer: :cheer: :cheer: thank you ladies.



Okies; thought I'd ask here just in case. It's never ever going to work at my place .... or with my skills.

The deal is I send some treats to you in the mail wherever you are, you pose a doggy chomping on each one or holding one in their mouth (ideally a muttley/s of any age or size or silver-muzzled sweeties because this is for rescue) and do whatever tarting up you like. Some of the treats are small in size. Maybe smaller models would work better? No idea really.

Your work is up to you completely, doesn't matter if you do the white background thing or completely natural as long as the treat is clear, close-ish and the doggie looks happy to eat it LOL.

No problem for you to pop a small © at the bottom for your credit and obviously the treats stay with you. :laugh: If you like, we can advertise you on our links blog if you're a business or sole trader .... you'll be publicly thanked anyway unless you prefer otherwise.

The treats are natural australian sourced. There's around ten(?) types. I can't send buckets-full due to our budget. :o

We're a registered charity, this is a fundraising activity. :)

And if anyone knows a wholesale australian sourced antler person please PM!



Edited by Powerlegs
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:cheer: :cheer: Woohoo! Thank you so much! Sounds perfect. Will PM you.

"good photographer" = much better chance of getting decent photos than me.

I can only get outside photos to look ok, add this weather, add a few photobombers who will go bananas over treats. Then the model doing a runner to enjoy said treats on the lounge .... it's just never going to happen. :hitself: I love dogs. LOL

xx Anna

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Brilliant!! All sorted then :)

Perse, I'll PM you, just need to run off the the shops while the torrential storm has let up a bit. Think you could get Don to do some 'beg' poses? :laugh:

Between you and Denali this is a dream come true! Thank you so much ladies :worship:

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Brilliant!! All sorted then :)

Perse, I'll PM you, just need to run off the the shops while the torrential storm has let up a bit. Think you could get Don to do some 'beg' poses? :laugh:

Between you and Denali this is a dream come true! Thank you so much ladies :worship:

No problems at all!

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  • 2 weeks later...

Let me know if you ever want a Labrador chomp!

:laugh: I'll be sourcing veggie ears that look like the full ear with the gross earhole bit LOL (not the chopped off ones we've got for now) so a lab chomp may be needed :D :D

and eventually :crossfingers: antlers when we can afford them. Could be a while. lol

(Thanks viszlamom for sending me the perfect antler link! )

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If it's for charity I'm happy to help get some shots, I've got a few threads going (I just updated) with my pics.

These 'models' are accessible and happy to eat treats. Striker (my dog on the left) will beg and walk (stand) and should be able to keep a treat in his mouth, Zeus (on the right) the misses dog will let a treat balance on his nose and catch it on cue.

16610062671_1acfed5a57_c.jpgStriker & Zeus by dPphodography, on Flickr

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:worship: Thank you all so much. Stressy, I'll let you know immediately when I finally get antlers. :)

T, I've just stolen that photo :laugh:

Spoony, thank you very much, right now I think we're sorted but if a job comes up for you I'll inbox you in a flash. hehe

This is all very good timing. I'm just back from a specialist surgeon pre-op consult.... well if you don't laugh you'd cry. These critters love running up bills. :rofl: Bless 'em.

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