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Neighbours Awarded $240K For Barking Dogs


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found the website. Livestock is sheep for fleece I think. They have TM, Great Pyrenees, and Pyrenean Mastiff

There's a link with a hugely long copy&paste thingo about 'Farm Law'. Must have something to do with whatever was going on and how he believed it meant nobody could touch him. :laugh: Then there is this re farm law; link

And a broken link about livestock guardians. :)

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Me, I figure the poor dogs get done over, as usual!

De-barked!! What a barbaric practice that is!

I Googled "Rogue River, Oregon" where these dogs live. It has less than 5 humans per square mile, and is considered to be semi rural. This is not like having your suburban neighbours in Carlton's German Shepherd barking in his 300 square metre town house's back court yard.

And nearly a quarter of a million dollars USD to compensate them. Life's tough, ain't it? Wouldn't you like to get quarter of a million bucks because your neighbour has a noisy pet?

Really, I am not there in their back acreage so I do not know how bad this actually was, but I'd invite the Kreins to come spend a few days at my house in suburban Bayswater WA 6053 and listen to my neighbours dogs. Me, I like having dogs around but I'd bet the Kreins would be phoning their attorneys within 10 minutes.

As they say, "only in America"


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Dogs barking on acreage are just as annoying as dogs barking in the burbs!! I reckon the sound carries more too.

Whatever; dogs bark, that is what they do, and is what we expect them to do. And to de-bark them is inhumane.

I doubt that a dog's bark carries more because it is isolated. Measure it; it will be the same intensity. To suggest that it is somehow louder because the dog is not in suburbia is just emotional and simplistic crap.

We humans have relied on dogs barking for thousands of years. To selectively sever the vocal chords of a couple of dogs in rural Oregon because they did what was expected of them is just horrible. I don't have a problem with the dogs owners having to cough up an amount of money to compensate their overly sensitive 'neighbours' (although I do think that $240,000 USD is a bit over the top) but I have a major problem with anyone on DOL that thinks that de-barking is appropriate in the circumstances described.

De-barking is abhorrent, and I shudder to think that any of us think that it is OK. If you think that the sentence handed down is OK and appropriate, then you think that the de-barking is OK.


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Ricey, what it is about debarking that you find inhumane?

Genuine question, I am trying to figure out how I feel about this practice, particularly because I have an insanely barky dog - not that I am anywhere near debarking him! - but I have heard mixed things about the impact of debarking on the dog.

Oh, and I do feel that $240K is a somewhat ridiculous amount. If the amount was based on the time frame why did the neighbours not sue earlier?

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To suggest that it is somehow louder because the dog is not in suburbia is just emotional and simplistic crap


Living rural , I am much more sensitive to, and annoyed by barking dogs a mile or so away than I would be in the suburbs!! There are no other noises to 'block it out' ..or to get ears used to switching off ...and yes, I have lived in the city ....

as for debarking - I have no real concerns if it means the dogs can remain alive & happy :) They still bark , but it is a lot softer noise ......

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Dogs barking on acreage are just as annoying as dogs barking in the burbs!! I reckon the sound carries more too.

Whatever; dogs bark, that is what they do, and is what we expect them to do. And to de-bark them is inhumane.

I doubt that a dog's bark carries more because it is isolated. Measure it; it will be the same intensity. To suggest that it is somehow louder because the dog is not in suburbia is just emotional and simplistic crap.

We humans have relied on dogs barking for thousands of years. To selectively sever the vocal chords of a couple of dogs in rural Oregon because they did what was expected of them is just horrible. I don't have a problem with the dogs owners having to cough up an amount of money to compensate their overly sensitive 'neighbours' (although I do think that $240,000 USD is a bit over the top) but I have a major problem with anyone on DOL that thinks that de-barking is appropriate in the circumstances described.

De-barking is abhorrent, and I shudder to think that any of us think that it is OK. If you think that the sentence handed down is OK and appropriate, then you think that the de-barking is OK.


What is it that most concerns you about debarking?

I mean Obviously there is post-operative pain; is that what you are referring to?

I don't think the argument that just because barking is natural to dogs means that we should all just suck it up. Biting is also natural for dogs. Sometimes it's not about what's natural but what's desirable.

I certainly wouldn't want to put up with incessant barking all day starting at 5 am in the morning. There are studies that show what that sort of noise does to people, and they don't find that it fills them with happiness and joy.

As for litigation... well it doesn't sounds like they went down that path straight away. It says the barking had been going on for a decade, even with notices from the council.

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What those neighbours need is a tree full of nesting sulphur crested cockatoos or red tail black cockatoos.

I have a friend whose neighbours complained about her dogs barking - and they didn't bark all the time and they were inside at night. She said - I will make my dogs quiet when you shut your geese up (more 5am Sunday morning noise).

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It is humans who have an issue with debarking, the dogs have no idea they have been done they still bark but with very little noise comes out so they are still doing what comes naturally.

Of course they are in pain after the op but they are on pain meds just like all of us humans and animals after any op.

I had a foster dog some years back and I was working and not home during the day and she barked at anything all day my neighbours complained many times and instead of putting her to sleep or me being evicted she was debarked and went on to a great home and is still alive today and is still barking but with little noise and her family could not be happier.



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Dogs barking on acreage are just as annoying as dogs barking in the burbs!! I reckon the sound carries more too.

This is absolutely true. Especially in winter, when the air is moist and dense, my neighbours mutt 150 m away is a case in point. Sounds like he is 20 metres away when he has his endless barking fits.

I doubt that a dog's bark carries more because it is isolated. Measure it; it will be the same intensity. To suggest that it is somehow louder because the dog is not in suburbia is just emotional and simplistic crap.

You're wrong, for the reasons I gave above. Acreage living is for peace and quiet, dogs barking is much more annoying out there. Tthere is no dense housing , fences etc to block out or dampen the sound either. On acreage, people tend to have multiple dogs, which exacerbates the problem. I could go on, but suffice it to say it was much quieter living in Brisbane, than it is here out west in rural residential. Ridiculous!

Dunno about the 240K, but Im agreeable to 5 figure amounts being awarded. Ignorant dog owners need to atone for the nuisance values of their noisy pest dogs.

Edited by billy55
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Endless barking dogs totally get on my nerves!!!!

My neighbours dog was around 1km away and if the wind is slight but in the right direction it would wake me up. It could bark underwater wiith its mouth full of peebles. I am sure it never slept.

It died early, I truely cannot say I was upset by that. I would hear them yell siddown, I would would yell back - It can still bark with its f'ing arse on the ground!

I have no issue if a dog barks, then shuts up, barks at soemthing else shuts up - that is normal dog barking. Continuous, relentless. loud monotonous barking is not and it drives me completely mad!

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Yep we have dogs here who bark and because there isn't much around the dog barking is ALL that you hear.

Yes dogs bark and that is normal. Dogs barking incessantly isn't. A neighbour's border collies barked non-stop for 5 hours one night whilst they were out. Could hear them over the TV in the house.

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Yep we have dogs here who bark and because there isn't much around the dog barking is ALL that you hear.

Yes dogs bark and that is normal. Dogs barking incessantly isn't. A neighbour's border collies barked non-stop for 5 hours one night whilst they were out. Could hear them over the TV in the house.

I live in a very dog filled neighbourhood, and had received a handwritten complaint in the letter box about our dog barking.

Now I'm at home all the time, I've found my dog barks very little, but the dogs around us are constantly barking all day until their owners get home, and there's a big dog behind us that howls and barks for hours on end.

Poor thing sounds so unhappy. There's so many houses with dogs I can't pinpoint where it's coming from, apart from behind my bedroom wall..

Edited for clarity

Edited by Taliecat
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