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Hypoplastic Plasmacytic Gingivitis


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Daisy's three lower front teeth have always been sticky-outie but in the last month or so she has a growth appearing between, and slightly behind the teeth, it has made them more protuberant and pushing her bottom lip out (looked like a tiny camel's bottom lip)

I took her to the vet and was told it is either an irritation causing the growth (her three teeth were beginning to become slightly loose) or she has squamous cell carcinoma. He said wait a few weeks as the teeth may just drop out and the tumour-like lump will go down but if they didn't they could remove the lump and teeth and send the lump off for histology.

I waited but the teeth were nearly at 45° to her jaw as the growth was becoming larger so I decided to get the growth removed, unfortunately they couldn't save her three teeth which was unfortunate as they (and all the others) are good and shiny-white.

Anyway, the vet phoned me today and all is good...Daisy's histo result is Hypoplastic Plasmacytic gingivitis.

What a relief.

I'd be interested to know if anyone here had this in their dog?

I also wish that I had taken some photos of what it looked like pre-surgery

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