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Dog Growling In Sleep

Baby Dragon

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My 9 year old dog has started growling in his sleep and waking himself up.

At first I thought my other dog might have disturbed him or something, but it happened again last night and I saw that she was nowhere near him.

When he wakes up he just kind of looks around and goes back to sleep.

Does anyone else's dog do this? Is it something to worry about?

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Stella is a shocker in her sleep. She is very vocal at times. Barks,growls,howls & runs. All 4 paws/legs move as if she is running. Sometimes with a full on lip curl.

All the while sound asleep.

My boy will growl whine & barks sometimes. Though with not nearly the intensity that my girl


Our Vet suggested we quietly wake Stella by talking or coughing or something as she is Epilepsy effected & before she was medicated stress used to trigger a seizure.

Edited by BC Crazy
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Thanks everyone :)

It's just so loud... he's always done the little 'wuf, wuf' sounds :) But this is more of an "I'm going to eat you" growl at 2am and it's quite scary to wake up to it (he sleeps beside me.) It's like a really loud growl he would do to warn off another dog if they get too close while he's trying to eat. I get up and have to make sure the dogs aren't fighting.

Is that still a normal thing?

Edited by Baby Dragon
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I doubt it is too much to worry about BD.

I understand your concern though & it is quite scary & loud.

Stella is by far the worst I have ever had. She gets herself very cranky at times.

I firmly believe she could accidently bite me if I suddenly woke her. She doesn't dream nearly as much now that she is on meds.

Edited by BC Crazy
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Some do dream & make noises. One of mine lies on her back & gallops in her sleep sometimes. Its hilarious.

It may be a noise she hears that you can't hear that disturbs her but if she is ok in every other way I wouldn't worry about it.

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Sleeping with Ernie in his crate next to my bed is like sleeping with an 80 yr old man. He snores like a freight train, snores, yips, growls and gallops in his sleep. I'm sure if I was his wife, I'd have insisted on separate bedrooms by now. I know what you mean about the growling - he doesn't do it often but when he does, I'm instantly awake and snapping the light on for intruders. He just looks at my sleepily like 'what da ...'. Ernie's not even a year yet so I'm eagerly awaiting what the years bring.

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The only time I've ever heard my Aussie Shepherd growl is in his sleep! He has a low, quite menacing growl which can be pretty interesting to wake up to in the middle of the night. He also groans, whimpers, wuffs, snores and snorts.

Some nights I have my hubby, my Dobie and my Aussie all snoring away :p

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Mine are pretty vocal as well.

Two of them erupt into these long mournful creepy howls occasionally which pretty of putting when you aren't expecting it in the middle of the night but it is the only time I've ever heard them howl :)

They do it more after a big exciting day as well lol

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Bundy yelps, growls, cries, runs, and barks in his sleep and can be so vocal he gives me the giggles, he can get a fright if you wake him up so we just leave him be. Diesel will whine so loudly he wakes himself up. I wish i knew what they were thinking.

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  On 28/03/2015 at 7:53 AM, persephone said:

Growling , yipping , snapping ...dreaming , AFAIK. As long as he's otherwise happy ...and there doesn't appear to be any pain associated with it - don't panic yet :) Good to see you posting, by the way :)

All of this as well as making very very VERY bad wind were what Gabor would do.

I swear to this day that the wind would be why he woke up.... out of embarrassment for making such a stench. He would lift his head, sniff in the general direction of his butt.... as if saying did I do THAT

Vet assured us all was normal.


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