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Thanks K9 Force For Your Victorian Seminar

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If I were you I'd be more concerned about people learning that you think your mobile phone stops pigs from flying

K9: scoff if you will, there has not been a pig in the sky since I got that phone... (I have the name of the supplier if you like) :)

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K9: scoff if you will, there has not been a pig in the sky since I got that phone... (I have the name of the supplier if you like)

Hmmmmm maybe you've been working too hard or something. :thumbsup:

Hi Everyone So glad to see a picture of my Tash on here


Did the red dye on Tash's head collar ever run and if so did Tash end up with pink stains on her coat?

Jade Lablover:

The picture of Ada nearly bought tears to our eyes as she is very much like a Lab I had that passed away about 3 yrs ago, in boths looks and temperament. She was my hubby's dog, he was very fond of her. One of his mates nicknamed her "the girlfriend" :cry: She was a great little dog.



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Guest Sandy&Dakota

Just dropped in to say it was a great day ! and thanks to Steve & Jane as well....

Lablover :cry: Texas might have been a better name for him considering he didnt shut up for most of the Saturday.....

so sorry to those that put up with Dakota's vocal display at been amongst everyone, been a pound hound this was his 1st outing since coming from the pound [didnt know he was going to be so darn loud about it]

and photos! thanks for the link off to see the big boffa now :thumbsup:

On seroius side even though we had only one day it was a great clinic and really admired the way Steve worked with the dogs

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The photos are excellent, thanks for posting them up.

Poor old Ada, the ring in, LOL. Her only problem is that she is deaf and hates being not part of everything.

Sandra, Dakota nee Texas, is gorgeous. I hope he continues to improve.

Steve, I am so sorry for all my Emails regarding Stamps mouthing problem, but I did Email only ONCE today so I am feeling rather proud of myself, LOL. Stamp and I have been working really hard this week incorporating all your suggestions. By the look of Stamps improvement so far, it does seem I might have to pay you the $1,000.00 I promised. This afternoon I sent him to the pile after multiple sends, he was feeling a bit tired so went out at 60% pace (god love him, he still went, I like his drive, LOL) but returned like a bullet with a mouth that would not have marked a fly.

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Tashes headcollar hasn't run, but i haven't use it in the rain. Red often does run though.

Yes that's why I asked I have some gear made of the same webbing for my yellow lab and we always find water:)) Might have to be her day out in town apparell:))



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Steve, I am so sorry for all my Emails regarding Stamps mouthing problem, but I did Email only ONCE today so I am feeling rather proud of myself, LOL.

Oh good, so I'm not the only person that sends Steve lots of emails!!

LOL. Gee I just noticed it is Tuesday and I have not still not Emailed Steve for over 4 days.

Just in case you check in King Steve, the recall/mouthing drills are working well. There are no words that I can say to thank you enough.

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