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Nifty Way Used By Delaware Animal Control In The Us To Get Stray Dogs


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Came across this the other day and thought it was pretty clever! Delaware Animal Control and Care in the U.S are putting up signs (with property owner's permission) whenever they pick up a stray dog. That way if the owner of the lost dog then goes driving around the neighbourhood looking for their dog they can then see the sign and see that their dog has been picked up.


Of course it's great if dogs are microchipped and are wearing a collar with an id tag, and are microchipped but for cases where they aren't this seems like a really good solution?

And just read of another council in the US doing this http://www.azcentral.com/story/news/local/chandler/2014/10/07/maricopa-county-animal-care-and-control-no-lost-pets-program/16863771/

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What a sensible idea.

Someone once posted on DOL a reverse idea. If your dog goes missing, put a big sign & pic on your own front fence, so people driving/walking by might notice ... & be alert to watching for it, or bring in some info about sighting.

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