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Breed Clubs

Pretty Miss Emma

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I've been doing some thinking about breed clubs, what their purpose is, what their members get from them, how their members contribute to them, etc, etc.

So I'm looking for your ideas and thoughts...

What do you see as the purpose of a breed club?

What are some of the things you would expect a breed club to be doing?

If you have joined your breed club, why did you and what involvement do you have or would you like to have?

If you haven't joined your breed club, can you tell me why?

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I believe that the purpose of a breed club is to protect, promote and preserve their chosen breed.

To be a contact point for the general puppy buying public so that they can direct suitable prospective owners toward a reputable breeder, thus trying to minimise the number of wrong owners matched with inappropriate dogs.

To maintain records of sires/dams, health scores for testable conditions etc so that future matings can be considered with all the information needed to maintain or improve the breed, both health and temperament wise.

To support all owners of that breed with information and advice to assist in the raising of their dog. For example provide training to modify unwanted behaviour and assist with the transition through teenagehood ie obedience classes. For those that wish to work their dogs in the activities that they were bred to perform, provide the training and organise events where they can work with their dogs.

Provide information to the general public about the breed by attending pet expos, Dog Lovers shows, agricultural shows etc to try to combat the misinformation that is always out there about different breeds.

I joined my breed club because of the knowledge of the people at the club about the breed and their working style, but stayed with other all breed obedience clubs because my dogs need to work around other breeds of dog and accept their different behaviours and idiosyncrasies, because the world does not have only Rottweilers in it.

I have been a committee member, instructor, member of the promotions team and editor of the club magazine at both my breed club and all breeds obedience club.

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I've been doing some thinking about breed clubs, what their purpose is, what their members get from them, how their members contribute to them, etc, etc.

So I'm looking for your ideas and thoughts...

What do you see as the purpose of a breed club?

What are some of the things you would expect a breed club to be doing?

If you have joined your breed club, why did you and what involvement do you have or would you like to have?

If you haven't joined your breed club, can you tell me why?

I posted something similar a few weeks ago.

I used to be a member of a breed club but I left because the committee on that particular club were horrible. They seemed to go out of their way to be rude to people they considered of no value to them. I believe it's all pretty much the same ones still on the committee there, most of them have been on for 20 or more years and consider it their club. So that's my reason for NOT being a member of a particular club.

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I really like what the Doberman Pinscher Club of America does

DPCA website

They host a pedigree database with health test results

They have a longevity program

They have an albino dog tracking registry

They host health clinics and provide a lot of information about health problems in the breed

They rent out holtors for heart monitoring

They keep track of top 20 dogs in agility, obedience, breed showing

They do temperament testing

Record titles earned in the breed

Lots of awards for people and dogs in the breed

Provide education for owners, breeders, exhibitors, judges and the general public.

In depth breed standard discussion

Host the national breed show

Basically everything :)

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The nominal purpose: "protect, promote and preserve" a breed is horribly subjective. One person may protect by keeping bloodlines pure and inbreeding. Another may protect by promoting diversity and outcrossing. Etc. No surprise. The pedigree dog world includes people with strong opinions.

In my limited experience, a breed club is a group of people who work with the same breed and have worked together for a long time. The work is done in committees, which may or may not be transparent. A handful of people tend to dominate, and to have dominated for years. They tend to have like attitudes.. . except for places where they have agreed to disagree.

A newcomer with particular interests, eg., health or agility, may not going to find it easy to get involved without a lot of schmoozing.

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