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My Dog Is A Dag Because......


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My Bru and Chloe won't walk on grass during bindi season - might gets their delicate massive paws spiked- I get pushed onto grass abd they walk on footpaths!

If Bru sees the vet, it's bum to floor no way will he turn his back to vet- they have scary things

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  • 3 months later...

Bumping this because according to Bonnie I am an evil, calculating wretch who expects her to urinate outside. When it's wet and cold and has been raining since 8am.

Fine. FINE! Give yourself a UTI! See if I care! (Please please just go? I care. I care a lot, my bank account also cares. Please?!)

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My dog is a dag because not content with mere sticks - he hauls baby TREES out of the water; runs around like a loon then performs a cartwheeling high jump when the TREE gets stuck in the ground.

Dear Maude Ernie, hope you've learned your lesson.

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Jingo is a dag! Fullstop! :D Why, well a million reasons but one is he has decided that going out the laundry door instead of the back door or his doggy door is the best thing ever, obviously a whole different garden ou there (it isn't. He rushes there whenever I go into the laundry, waits to be let out, tears around through the dog door and waits again at the laundry door. Easy exercise :)

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Jingo is a dag! Fullstop! :D Why, well a million reasons but one is he has decided that going out the laundry door instead of the back door or his doggy door is the best thing ever, obviously a whole different garden ou there (it isn't. He rushes there whenever I go into the laundry, waits to be let out, tears around through the dog door and waits again at the laundry door. Easy exercise :)

Jingo must think you are such a wonderful Momma to provide a special garden for him!

Loving the description as I can see the JRT doing just that with ALL the enthusiasm known to a JRT.


Edited by VizslaMomma
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My dog is a total dag because today we got a new oil heater and he was growling and making a big fuss until I showed him that it was ok by putting my hand on it..

That boy really doesn't like new household items..

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My Girl is a Dag, she's going through her second fear period at the moment. First instance, there's a full length mirror on the back of the main bedroom door (they sleep in our room), she's seen it 100 times, but the last few mornings (it's still fairly dark in our room) she has to bark at the dog that's racing towards her.

The second one is there was some witches hats put on the oval where we walk late on agility night and they needed a real telling off. It wasn't until I walked up and touched it, was she willing to stop barking at them.

I hate the fear periods....

Edited by DobieMum
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