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Started Weeing Inside


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Cross post from the Stafford thread as it seems a little quiet in there now:

Just wanted to see if anyone has any ideas.... Eva who is now 6 has recently started peeing inside, she never did it when she was younger. It seems mostly to be through the night downstairs near the door to go outside. But yesterday she peed on my kind of step-daughter's bed..... In front of the her?

I moved into a rental house early last year after a break up, but she was totally fine there, no peeing inside. I've now bought another house & we moved in last October. But it didn't start straight away, just before Christmas I think. She did it a few nights in a row when I was away and mum was looking after the dogs, I thought maybe her eyes aren't great anymore? As a night she doesn't always want to come downstairs where everyone is sitting watching TV. So I've been leaving a light on downstairs so she can find the doggy door and that seemed to work for a week or so but last night with the light on she peed inside again.....

My partners kids live with us part time and I know this is a lot of change for her but both dogs just love these kids, sometimes she sleeps in the sons room with him....

I'm just not sure what's going on with her.... She turned 6 in December (not that old!) and she seriously got a lot lighter in colour overnight it seemed. Also when we go for walks, she is super keen, still has heaps of energy, but when we come back up the street to go home she will often just stop walking and I have to encourage her the rest of the way. And I'm not going for massive walks or too fast, etc.

I will be taking her to the vet but don't really know what to ask them to check for? She just doesn't seem quite herself....

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Eva has been to the vet - no infections in her urine and have also had some blood taken and that came back all fine.

The vet thinks it could be spay incontinence and is going to trial her on some tablets.... if not this then it's behavioural...

It's good to know there is nothing seriously wrong.

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