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Lets Play Fetch, Not Keepings Off!

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I have a four year old Heeler x Staffy who we adopted a month ago. She has some issues, but we saw Nekhbet last week and are working through them :)

She loves toys, but has no grasp of the fetch concept. Instead its more of a YOU THROW IT SO I CAN TAKE IT BACK TO MY BED AND CHEW IT!

I would love to be able to play fetch with her and have a grand old time. Any ideas on how to get started?

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I used the Shirley Chong retrieve method (cant get the link to work but you can google it) to teach my pup to put something into my hand for a treat - this easily translated into fetch as all I had to do was then was hold my hand out once she had the toy. Didn't need to continue treating once she got the idea as the toss of the toy was enough reward.

Edited by superminty
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I used the Shirley Chong retrieve method (cant get the link to work but you can google it) to teach my pup to put something into my hand for a treat - this easily translated into fetch as all I had to do was then was hold my hand out once she had the toy. Didn't need to continue treating once she got the idea as the toss of the toy was enough reward.

:) yes.

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dogs not bringing toy back is a common thing which we find when training agility dogs. We want them to drive for the toy but bring it back asap fro a tug. And didn't my kelpie love to play " Game for one".

I was advised a bit like superminty's method, go into a small room like the bathroom. Shape a nose touch. Give the dog the toy and as you are in a small area while the dog has toy in mouth, ask for the newly shaped nose touch. Most dogs who grip the toy will nose touch with the toy. take the toy and reward. Do this in the small area, gradually building the area up.

I used food at first but if your dog is tug mad they soon learn.

Good luck.

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Just re read your post. Maybe you should ask Nekhbet about this. As you have only had your dog a short while it takes a while for a rescue dog to settle in. Taking it back to his bed could be a little bit a resource guarding thing.

You mentioned other issues? maybe concentrate on settling in and getting home rules sorted. Fetch also involves some other behaviours we take as understood like giving the toy up and also not simply lunging to get it back. Not sure how experienced you are so talking about shaping nose touches etc might be a bit ahead of where you are at.

But shaping itself might introduce you to a whole new world of training and give you a bond building experience while also teaching your dog how you want him to behave. I'm sure Nekhbet will be able to help you there? A cross you describe at 4 yrs must be fairly energetic? Fetch will definitely be something you can both enjoy soon.

Photo? smile.gif

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Thanks everyone for your replies.

Skip, her issues are mostly dog reactivity related, so while we work through that we're also really working on bonding with her, and building our relationship, as we've only had her for a little while as you said. She actually really enjoys our shaping sessions! She picked up the nose touch quite quickly.

She is exceptionally well behaved in the house and follows the rules we've set for her. I'm using our training sessions as a way to reinforce our relationship and to get her to focus more on us - which is coming along in spades at home and we're seeing the benefits of that when out on walks. She's very smart and I think training and mental stimulation is certainly helping our relationship.

I've loved all the ideas so far, and will definitely be asking Nek about it (although she's probably sick of me by now :laugh:)

Pics to follow shortly ;)

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