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Video Camera Reviews

t a i l s.

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Hello all, my neighbours dogs bark all day long, but I've just had a gentleman from two houses away come down and ask me to stop my big dog from barking, I know that she barks sometimes, usually as a reaction to neighbouring dogs barking, and even when she doesn't bark and the neighbours dogs are barking, I've never complained even when it was right outside my bedroom window at 5am for a week when the neighbours went away, the man up the road has told me that he's "100 percent positive it's my dogs barking all day" but I don't believe it is, she is a barker, she's a very good guard dog and will bark at people walking on our nature strip. She's almost 1 year now, and is still learning what's appropriate to bark at and what's not, and I'm encouraging barking when needed and asking her to stop when it's not, and she does every time.

I'm after a video camera I can set up to record for about 7 hours a day when I'm at work, one that plugs into the power point is fine, I'm just after peoples opinions and reviews of good products that have good image quality and sound quality.

Any help will be appreciated, we've already used citronella collars in the past whilst she was at her peak barking phase, and she's coming along nicely, but I can't have neighbours complaining about her. Ugh it's horrendously frustrating, knowing that the neighbours dogs are the ones who bark all day and that mine gets complained about!

Edited by t a i l s.
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