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Hi All,

So after months of my 4 yr old female Rottweiler having consistent diarrhea , weight loss and gas my vet ordered an ultrasound and another round of bloods. During the past several months Milli has had a few blood tests which have shown low protein levels... On friday her protein levels were drastically low and her ultrasound showed she had a gut full of fluid. So she is now on Macrolone and Royal Canin intestinal low fat. and I have to say - we have success, shes doing solid poos and im hopeful this continues.

Does anybody elses dog have Lymphangiectasia? I havent found much talk about it online and cant seem to really find any discussions on the disease.

I am truly thankful I now have a diagnosis. My vet offered me a referall for a specialist to do a biopsy and a colonoscopy but said that right now her protein levels are too low for her to go under.... Is it worth seeing a specialist? or just sticking with the Diet, Tablets and regular blood work.

Would be awesome if others could share their stories of this disease too.

Thank you

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