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Wetting The Bed Update


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My dog is around 8ish years old, I've had her for 7 years.

She has always been able to sleep through the night without going outside to the toilet, or she lets us know she needs to go outside. She has had very few accidents inside and these were usually when she was home alone (she did it in a corner).

During winter, she wet the bed three times over about a week and a half. I should have taken her to the vet then but my partner thought it was just too cold and she didn't want to go outside (she is always reluctant to go outside if it's wet/raining/cold).

She didn't do it again until now. It's happened three times again. A few days ago it happened during the night. Last night as we were getting ready for bed, she was already in her bed and she wet it. We let her sleep in our bed, and in the early hours of the morning she wet our bed. Both times were followed by a lot of vagina licking, but it's not red or abnormal looking at all.

I am just waiting until 9am so I can call and make an appointment for the vet, I hope they can fit us in today.

I've done too much googling about what could be wrong and now I am really stressed out and worried :cry:

Edited by vnv
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I think she may have spay incontinence...presuming she is spayed. This often happens to our girls as they get older. If this is the problem there is medication to treat it effectively.

I think if it was an infection there would be signs of this during the day, not just at night. If there is any sign of a problem during the day she may have a urinary tract infection.

The licking of the vulva (the vagina is internal) would be because she's cleaning herself.

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Thanks all. I have an appointment at the vet this evening, but I did get to speak to him on the phone and the first thing he said was incontinence from spaying. She was desexed a few weeks after I got her, so just over 7 years ago.

I am hoping that's all it is.

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Just an update - vet has diagnosed incontinence from spaying/weak pelvic floor muscles and prescribed propalin.

The side effects sound a bit scary to me, but she only has to try it for a short time and hopefully it will tone the muscles enough to fix the problem. Then we would only need to use it again if there was a re-occurrence of the problem.

Although I think I will track down some corn silk tea and also start giving her sweet potato and tofu as these seem like much more pleasant options to keep it in check than the meds. I eat both regularly anyway so it would be easy to just give her some at the same time.

Thank you all for your advice and thanks trifecta for your thread.

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Relax VNV :)

My little girl also developed incontinence a while ago too. She is now 11 and desexed at six months. She went on to Propalin - tiny amount twice a day and it worked like magic to the extent that I gradually cut it down to three times a week. A month or so ago, she started wetting the bed again and I went striaight back to twice a day for a week or so and am now back to once a day. I will stay on that for a while and then cut back again.

I haven't looked up side affects :o

Propalin = magic.

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Just an update - vet has diagnosed incontinence from spaying/weak pelvic floor muscles and prescribed propalin.

The side effects sound a bit scary to me, but she only has to try it for a short time and hopefully it will tone the muscles enough to fix the problem. Then we would only need to use it again if there was a re-occurrence of the problem.

Although I think I will track down some corn silk tea and also start giving her sweet potato and tofu as these seem like much more pleasant options to keep it in check than the meds. I eat both regularly anyway so it would be easy to just give her some at the same time.

Thank you all for your advice and thanks trifecta for your thread.

:thumbsup: If it were me I would go this route first as well and turn to medication only if that didn't work. Good luck. Will be interested to hear how you get on.

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Just an update - vet has diagnosed incontinence from spaying/weak pelvic floor muscles and prescribed propalin.

The side effects sound a bit scary to me, but she only has to try it for a short time and hopefully it will tone the muscles enough to fix the problem. Then we would only need to use it again if there was a re-occurrence of the problem.

Although I think I will track down some corn silk tea and also start giving her sweet potato and tofu as these seem like much more pleasant options to keep it in check than the meds. I eat both regularly anyway so it would be easy to just give her some at the same time.

Thank you all for your advice and thanks trifecta for your thread.

:thumbsup: If it were me I would go this route first as well and turn to medication only if that didn't work. Good luck. Will be interested to hear how you get on.

Rather timely comment.

I have a friend in the USA with a Vizsla gal which also displayed similar symtoms. She consulted with the Vet to determine no UTI. Thank Dog there was none.

Now this happened in mid December. Her gal has been having the corn silk tea, sweet potato & tofu ever since. She's let me know that matters have improved greatly for Piri. Follow-up with the Vet is happening this week. I'll drop back into the thread to update. Her Vet was most encouraging about the option she took.

I appreciate all dogs differ and agree Vet's advice is mandatory.


Edited by VizslaMomma
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Yes do try the corn silk tea, sweet potato & tofu route first. One of the side effects of Propalin can be aggression (pays to read the label as I eventually did :o ). Mac was on Propalin for a while and he seemed to become a quite feisty irritable westie. The moment he came off it he was back to his usually snuggly self. So I use Stilboestrel with him - and a belly band when he's inside. Similarly with my Sarah who developed spay incontinence at around the age of 10 or 11 from memory. Because Propalin seems to make her snappy I only use it short term with her to tighten things up - Stilboestrel seems a better long-term option for her too.

Good luck with it all and will be interested to hear how you get on.:)

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My girl has been on corn silk powder for 5 months now & has been dry ever since. Wonderful stuff has worked a treat here.

She had become incontinent after becoming Epilepsy effected. She would have a lot of accidents. At least a couple a day. She was very uncomfortable about it as she is a super clean girl usually.

I highly recommend it ☺

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Any advice welcome - my old girl has been on Propalin twice daily for about 9 months, and it helped to some extent, but she would still leak when lying down.

I added Corn Silk capsules twice daily 2 months ago, and saw no difference, though she will finish the bottle.

And a month ago we added Incurin tablets too!

She STILL leaks puddles when she lies down! She smells a bit of wee, though we keep her clipped short to reduce the smell. She is a very happy old girl, who is also on daily meds also for arthritis and Dry Eye. We we will just carry on with the leaking, but if there is something else to try that would be great. She (of course) favours the soft mattress beds at her age, so they are often damp in patches.

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I am not familiar with the corn silk capsules as I use the tea, but could you be overdosing? With the tea, if you overdose you will actually stimulate not control urination. And yes a vet visit, to rule out other possible causes of polyuria.

ETA Sorry my post was in answer to poppop!

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