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Training Resources For A Deaf Pup?


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I'm asking on behalf of a friend in NZ. She recently got a Labrador pup & has since found out she's deaf. There's no way she'll take her back to the breeder as she firmly believes that once she's got the dog, it's for life. Needless to say she's having a few problems with training. She's going to take her to Massey University vet school next week for a BAER test & see if she has any hearing at all.

Which brings me to the question - does anyone know of any training aids? I'm thinking videos, books or any links to info that could help her. Also, if anyone reading this is from the Wellington area, do you know of any trainers that specialise in training deaf pups?


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basically it will be a matter of teaching puppy to WATCH ... so my suggestions would be to reward every eye contact ... to only feed this way - not from a bowl...... that sort of thing .

I hope she has told the breeder - this is important for a breeder to keep a record of :)

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Look to get a vibration collar for the pup... they don't shock, just vibrate, and cue the dog to look for the owner so they can get the visual command.


I would use an e-collar before I used a vibrating collar. But not until the dog is at least 6 mo., and only with help from an experienced trainer.

I used to have a collar that both did electric stim and vibration. The dogs were fine with the electric side of the thing (always used on very low setting) but they HATED the vibration function.

You're likely to find the pup learns most commands well using hand signals. Recall is the hard one to teach a deaf dog. . . and the place where a remote signaling device is useful.

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Sid is deaf, but not from birth - so not the same thing, he already knew commands via hand signal. However, since he lost his hearing, I noticed how much he watches me now. So I reward him for that and really, things aren't too different. They say to wake them up by rolling a ball towards them softly etc, but Sid never startles if I just go and gently pat him to wake him to come inside. Lola will jump on him if she wants him to wake up :laugh: I do have to be careful if he's awake and I walk up behind him, because that does tend to startle him - mostly I stomp and he feels the vibrations.

Edited by huga
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