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What Would You Have Done?


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Ok. ONCE I have not picked up. But this is why:

Ernie had been in and out of the sea; surfing waves for at least an hour. On our way back; still jumping in the waves, he stopped to do a crap. I had bag already but what came out of him was 100% pure liquid. All I could do is watch helplessly as it poured out into the water. I even looked for chunks to bag up. I ended up swirling the water frantically and hoping that no one let their kids swim in that part of the sea for at least an hour.

I repeat - it was entirely liquid and I've never seen anything like it in all my years of owning dogs and taking them to the beach.

I made a firm resolve to give him more frequent non-wave breaks so it never ever happens again. And to never let my kids swim in an area where I can see dogs in the surf.

Seriously, what else could I have done?

Is there a special implement or technique for such an awe inspiring curtain of brown??


Edited by Stressmagnet
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My dog has crapped in the surf - after two waves there was nothing big enough to pick up... so I figure fish food.

And I'm sure I've missed the occasional crap. I try to make up for it by picking up "Kharma craps" ie the ones you will step in later if you don't pick them up now. There was one at the bottom of the stairs this morning - freshly laid as the tide went out. Can't think of any reason why the owner would have missed that one.

It's the people who watch their dog crap - and then say they're not going to pick it up when you offer them a bag - or worse - they do put it in a plastic bag then dump that into the waves when they think you can't see them.

But lots of people who planned to get one of the council supplied bags or their dog (or dogs) has done five craps and they had four bags... - they're really grateful when I offer a bag.

I always say - just ask the nearest person with a dog if they have one spare. I usually have lots spare...

I did watch one bloke use the council supplied dog bag like a serviette instead of a glove when his dog did the poop and walk... would have been much easier if he'd made a glove of the bag but he didn't think of that (even tho it's written on the bag). At least he picked up of his own accord.

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I once went to the park across the road for about 5 minutes & my dog pooped. Haha, I was so bummed, I had to run back to the house for a bag and go back (let's call it the walk of shame), find it & pick it up. Ughh I was so worried that the security driver would pick me up for it (it's probably not his job anyway), I had my speech ready (along the lines of "Yes I forgot a bag but there's one at home and I'll be back in 2 minutes!!!"

And to be completely honest, about the original post, I don't think you did anything wrong. Those girls were looking for a fight IMO & there's no reasoning with stupid.

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One time I found a large round brown moist lump in the door way to a sports store. It looked for all the world like a turd. Pretty sure it was icecream but I didn't have a dog poop bag - cos it was in a shopping centre...

I told the store keeper so they could ring the management to get it cleaned up or do it themselves - it was keeping customers out... they were avoiding the doorway like it had a real crap in it (maybe it was a real crap...).

One lady whose dog crapped in the middle of our hockey field... she put her dog's lead on the ground so it was out straight and pointing back at it, and sprinted for where the dog bags were. I asked her what she was doing (and offered her a bag)... neat trick tho - using the lead to mark the spot if you have to run for a bag.

Kharma at our park works - if you forget or run out of bags and have to go get one

1. you can't find the crap when you get back or

2. there are no bags in the dispenser. or any other dispenser at the park.

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I once had to knock on someone's door asking for an old shopping bag because Tempeh had done so many poos on our walk we had run out. Her last one was right in front of their letterbox. I picked it up and carried all six bags of poop home with me! I could never leave 'our' poop behind. I'd carry it on leaves if I had to!

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Yep, I'm mortified if I don't have enough bags. I will always go back and get the offending poop but as I walk away I feel like I need to carry a big sign saying "I'll be back" :laugh:

I did once use the bag that some free newspaper had come in. It was on the lawn and it wasn't raining so I took the newspaper out and used that. Any port in a storm :D

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