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Hard Line Under Skin After Desexing (spaying)


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Hi guys,

So when my dog was 6 months i got her desexed (now she is 1 year old) and the surgery went perfectly fine etc etc. But now after six months i can still feel a hard line under her skin. I had previously called up the vet and she told me that it should go away soon because they used dissolving stitches. Though i can still feel a hard line under her skin. To me it feels like stitches because the line is thin and hard. I'm confused =/

Also whenever i touch her incision site she has no pain or discomfort whatsoever.

Could anyone please tell me what it could be if you have experienced something similar? And how long do stitches generally take to dissolve?

Edited by danakay9
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My boy's dissolvable stitches didn't dissolve properly - but apparently there was a problem with that batch. It was a problem for us because he had quite a painful lump come up on his scar.

What you've described does just sound like scar tissue though. If you're really worried take her back to the vet and get them to examine the scar in person.

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My Cavalier had abdominal surgery at 16 months old to remove some loquat stones that caused an obstruction in her bowel. She is now 9 1/2yo and I can clearly feel the scar tissue and sutures under the skin. This has caused her no problems and she's never shown any sign of being aware of it.

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