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Skin Scrape Advice Please?


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Consult sounds good, your vet should check his general health and carefully examine his skin, especially the ears, eyes and belly as well as the nose/muzzle. From there your vet should be able to recommend and/or perform appropriate tests. Hopefully just something minor and not the start of a larger problem, as Persephone said, a week is not long so fingers crossed. Our horsey pink/purple spray is Cetrigen, a mild antibacterial, if that's what it was shouldn't have done any harm.

Cetrigen! thats the one brightstar thank you!!! ill keep you updated and thanks again for all your advice :)

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He is cute in a very cheeky way! My experience with a patch on the dog's nose was very expensive. After 2 courses of antibiotics the vet wanted to do a biopsy that involved putting him under. We discussed a skin scrape and sticky tape test, he's a difficult dog and the vet insisted she couldn't do it with him awake. After a nightmare morning and near death anaesthetic experience and $1300 lighter the tests revealed nothing.

Within 2 days the patches were back just with stitches in the middle this time. So off to sash and the vet calmly sat on the floor and introduced herself politely to Jake who was happy to have his faced dabbed with Sellotape and a bit of a scrape. Slides were examined and antifungals prescribed and within a week all was cleared and he now has a nasty scar to show for his experience.

Moral of the story is don't trust rude vets!

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He is cute in a very cheeky way! My experience with a patch on the dog's nose was very expensive. After 2 courses of antibiotics the vet wanted to do a biopsy that involved putting him under. We discussed a skin scrape and sticky tape test, he's a difficult dog and the vet insisted she couldn't do it with him awake. After a nightmare morning and near death anaesthetic experience and $1300 lighter the tests revealed nothing.

Within 2 days the patches were back just with stitches in the middle this time. So off to sash and the vet calmly sat on the floor and introduced herself politely to Jake who was happy to have his faced dabbed with Sellotape and a bit of a scrape. Slides were examined and antifungals prescribed and within a week all was cleared and he now has a nasty scar to show for his experience.

Moral of the story is don't trust rude vets!

Wow that's not a good story! Yes a sticky tape prep would probably be my first choice. Good luck and let us know how it goes :)

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Hank dog that sounds horrible you poor thing  is that how they do it? with sticky tape?

One I spoke to told me to wash his nose in salty water and see how it goes, they said a consult wasn’t necessary....... no thank you, I will not be going to them! As a pet owner If I want my boy looked at they should be happy to look at him, even if they tell me I’m over reacting and there’s no issue.

Here’s a pic from this morning, it actually looks like it has calmed down a fair bit, not as red as it was. I know it looks like there was a scab there but I’m positive there never was.


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from that photo - and IF HE WERE MINE - I would dab it with betadine , several times a day and see how it goes for a few days .

But That's me . I usually suspect injury first ..and would NOT be rushing into hundreds of dollars worth of tests before giving it time to heal....

IF it is an abrasion - then, because of being licked at /moist, there wouldn't be a scab - instead, it would heal slowly , from inside out , without the benefit of a scab shelter .

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from that photo - and IF HE WERE MINE - I would dab it with betadine , several times a day and see how it goes for a few days .

But That's me . I usually suspect injury first ..and would NOT be rushing into hundreds of dollars worth of tests before giving it time to heal....

IF it is an abrasion - then, because of being licked at /moist, there wouldn't be a scab - instead, it would heal slowly , from inside out , without the benefit of a scab shelter .

Thanks Persephone, from looking at the photo it looks sooo much better then it was and i now sound like a crazy over reactive mother LOL

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from that photo - and IF HE WERE MINE - I would dab it with betadine , several times a day and see how it goes for a few days .

But That's me . I usually suspect injury first ..and would NOT be rushing into hundreds of dollars worth of tests before giving it time to heal....

IF it is an abrasion - then, because of being licked at /moist, there wouldn't be a scab - instead, it would heal slowly , from inside out , without the benefit of a scab shelter .

Thanks Persephone, from looking at the photo it looks sooo much better then it was and i now sound like a crazy over reactive mother LOL

With so many stories/posts of dogs with cancers many & varied - being careful is a good thing . :) However - don't go giving folks your money quickly ;)

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Great close up pic! Yep it looks like trauma with a mild bacterial infection or at the worst maybe fungal. One of my dogs has had similar abrasions on her chin, nose etc clumsily jumping out of cars/utes or chasing a ball onto a hard/rough surface. Keep it dry (as much as possible) and clean, vet in 5-7 days if worsening or no improvement. Betadine is a good suggestion, it tastes a bit gross so might help to stop him licking it. It's good to notice stuff like this, as others have said, it's not over-reactive! Good luck :)

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