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When Is The Due Date?


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I've got a bitch that tied 6 times across a period of 7 days. Anyone have any ideas how I can work out the bitches due date? I need to organise time off work and need the due date narrowed down a little.

Used an experienced stud dog that tied with her on the first day then didn't want a bar of her the following day. He then tied with her another 5 times across the following 5 days.

Edited by indigirl
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63 days from ovulation. So if you weren't progesterone testing and don't know when she actually ovulated, and you had matings over a week long period then like OsoSwift said she could be due anytime in that week period.

Normally if you don't prog test you would just go 63 days from the first mating as an approximate date, but with that many matings over a long period of time going by that could be pretty misleading as far as a due date goes. So, roughly anywhere from 63 days after the first mating to 63 days after the second mating, plus or minus a few days either side...

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You need a full week off work.

Its wiser next time not to let the bitch be mated over 7 days. If the timing is right matings over 48 hours generally do the job. I have not progesterone tested my girls but this always works unless your dog has complicated seasons.

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