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Goodbye Indiana


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Dear Indy,

Your journey with us started and ended in the same place, in Michael's lap. As a 6 week old puppy you launched yourself into his lap and covered him in kisses and that's how you became the puppy who came home with us and now you've taken your final breath lying in his lap with him stroking your head and both of us telling you what a good boy you are and how much we love you.

You were a quirky dog and you made life challenging at times but we loved you unconditionally and my god you were one of the smartest dogs I've ever met. I'm going to miss you tilting your head and letting out a low wooooo as if to tell me you knew exactly what I was saying (yes I spoke to you like you were a human), I'm going to miss your big boofy head just being there at hip height as I do things in the kitchen and I'm really going to miss the cuddles where you thought you were a small dog and could lie on my legs (with no thoughts of crushing me) for tummy rubs.

I'm so sorry for what the cushings disease did to your body as your were always such a regal dog but I'm so glad you went calm and relaxed as your body was done and you weren't happy anymore. You were our first dog and you've left a Malamute sized mark on our hearts forever.

love you buddy xxxx






Edited by Malamum
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Your tribute has reduced me to tears Malamum :cry: So lovely. I adore Mals. Very sorry for your huge loss :hug:

R.I.P. Gorgeous Indi. Such a handsome,regal boy you were even in your senior years :rainbowbridge::angel:

Edited by BC Crazy
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