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Peta Reportedly Steals And Kills Pet Dog


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So exactly how is this the Ethical Treatment of Animals?!?

It's not, it's an extreme animal rights organisation. They would rather kill all animals than see them "used" by humans for any purpose, including being a pet.

More people need to realise what they actually stand for, they aren't "save the animals" at all.

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It's not, it's an extreme animal rights organisation. They would rather kill all animals than see them "used" by humans for any purpose, including being a pet.

More people need to realise what they actually stand for, they aren't "save the animals" at all.

The saddest thing for me is that the man on th street can not perceive this.


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So exactly how is this the Ethical Treatment of Animals?!?

It's not, it's an extreme animal rights organisation. They would rather kill all animals than see them "used" by humans for any purpose, including being a pet.

More people need to realise what they actually stand for, they aren't "save the animals" at all.

So true. They are evil and a haven for crazies.

And funnel millions into groups even more cracked than they are.


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So exactly how is this the Ethical Treatment of Animals?!?

It's not, it's an extreme animal rights organisation. They would rather kill all animals than see them "used" by humans for any purpose, including being a pet.

As you say, Lisa, PETA holds an extreme position. It's also an anti-science position.

As are most extreme positions about anything.

The contribution to human well-being from the companionship of pets, is well established in the science. And it's not a one-way exploitative arrangement. Humans who value pets are proactive in promoting their welfare. PETA totally ignores this... & promotes the opposite in its activities.

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After seeing the video of that little dog being stolen followed by the reporter going to PETA Headquarters, their setup looks rather plush. Clearly they're not short of a dollar so people are obviously donating plenty of money to this organisation of weirdos. If only people would investigate further exactly what their donations are contributing to. They obviously think PETA is about animal welfare.

I read about PETA taking animals from pounds and shelters only to immediately euthanize them. Is their aim to kill as many pet animals as possible?

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After seeing the video of that little dog being stolen followed by the reporter going to PETA Headquarters, their setup looks rather plush. Clearly they're not short of a dollar so people are obviously donating plenty of money to this organisation of weirdos. If only people would investigate further exactly what their donations are contributing to. They obviously think PETA is about animal welfare.

I read about PETA taking animals from pounds and shelters only to immediately euthanize them. Is their aim to kill as many pet animals as possible?


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In short it's better to be dead than to be owned or used by humans.

Wow. Aren't all those celebs with pocket dogs going to feel stupid when this gets out.

Assuming it DOES get out. Hah.

The thing is, this has been publicly available information for a very long time. A lot of people don't bother to look that hard at what they throw money at.

I know other dolers have before bought up the exact quotes and dates before but how many decades ago did PETAs founder come out and publicly say they are better off dead?

As Mita says, their views are also very anti-science. During my Animal Welfare classes at uni we had entire lectures and assignments on how to give and write animal welfare talks/media releases/ papers and NOT sound like Peta or Animals Australia or any of the other "Animal Rights" groups.

Unfortunately when people do find out how wacko these groups can be lots of people then think Animal Welfare (actually science based) is part of it, it's setting us back in more ways than one frown.gif

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During my Animal Welfare classes at uni we had entire lectures and assignments on how to give and write animal welfare talks/media releases/ papers and NOT sound like Peta or Animals Australia or any of the other "Animal Rights" groups.


I suspect that lots of the celebrity-type people who support PETA in the US... are people who also loudly support protection of the environment & action on climate change. But they don't twig that PETA'S position is anti-science while their other 'causes' are very much based in science. They need to be told, repeatedly.... & as others have said, this case of the kidnapped & euthed little dog shows why.

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It does sound too bizarre to be true.

It's PETA. Enough said.

Oh I know they are more than capable but to the average person it does sound far too bizzare to be true.

It's bizarre that so many people still believe they're all about saving puppies and bunnies but I suspect (even with things like this coming to light) that you're probably right- lots of people will assume the owner must have been some dog fighting, meat eating monster if PETA had to step in and "free" the dog of its terrible suffering :/

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I studied Security and Counter Terrorism for a while at uni. PETA was an organisation we looked at and even though they are not considered a terrorist organisation they sometimes engage in activities that are similar to terrorist groups!

They are monitored along with other NGOs but fall below the priority of others. Unfortunately we live in an age where resources have to be prioritised to the groups that represent real threats to human safety. So these pseudo terrorist groups like PETA can continue along their merrily deranged and misguided ways :mad

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I studied Security and Counter Terrorism for a while at uni. PETA was an organisation we looked at and even though they are not considered a terrorist organisation they sometimes engage in activities that are similar to terrorist groups!

They are monitored along with other NGOs but fall below the priority of others. Unfortunately we live in an age where resources have to be prioritised to the groups that represent real threats to human safety. So these pseudo terrorist groups like PETA can continue along their merrily deranged and misguided ways :mad

Yes, there is some disturbing evidence of where some peoples PETA donations are going to. Straight to official terrorists groups in America. Also some quotes by some of their head people about it being a good thing to use bombs and violence because talking doesn't get them anywhere. icon_smile_mad.gif

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  • 3 weeks later...

The biggest surprise is how surprised people are?

These people, on what you might call the extreme left fringe, are whackos. Psychos who make their condition worse by smoking pot.

Occasionally they throw up somebody who appears almost lucid, and who makes a few isolated comments that seem half reasonable (like "be nice to the environment") and suddenly people get all warm and fuzzy about them.

These are NOT nice, nor normal people.

If you love dogs, chances are you have a soft spot for animals in general. Much as I love a T-Bone steak, I'd hate to see cattle actually abused or deliberately mistreated. Unfortunately this love of animals cons some people into thinking they have something in common with these sickos. You DON'T.

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After seeing the video of that little dog being stolen followed by the reporter going to PETA Headquarters, their setup looks rather plush. Clearly they're not short of a dollar so people are obviously donating plenty of money to this organisation of weirdos. If only people would investigate further exactly what their donations are contributing to. They obviously think PETA is about animal welfare.

I read about PETA taking animals from pounds and shelters only to immediately euthanize them. Is their aim to kill as many pet animals as possible?


Correction: they seek the end of all domestic animal variants, not just pets.

While peta are as crazy as they come, they aren't stupid, and that is what makes them so dangerous.

For example, if you follow their premise to it's logical conclusion they should also be killing humans without discrimination. But of course they are not so foolish as to ignore the fact that humans deaths are not so easily dismissed. An irony which may or may not be lost on them.

i have also found the same thing as LisaCC, the damage done to animal welfare is profound and possibly irreparable. Mention welfare and farmers and industry run a mile :(

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After seeing the video of that little dog being stolen followed by the reporter going to PETA Headquarters, their setup looks rather plush. Clearly they're not short of a dollar so people are obviously donating plenty of money to this organisation of weirdos. If only people would investigate further exactly what their donations are contributing to. They obviously think PETA is about animal welfare.

I read about PETA taking animals from pounds and shelters only to immediately euthanize them. Is their aim to kill as many pet animals as possible?


Correction: they seek the end of all domestic animal variants, not just pets.

While peta are as crazy as they come, they aren't stupid, and that is what makes them so dangerous.

For example, if you follow their premise to it's logical conclusion they should also be killing humans without discrimination. But of course they are not so foolish as to ignore the fact that humans deaths are not so easily dismissed. An irony which may or may not be lost on them.

i have also found the same thing as LisaCC, the damage done to animal welfare is profound and possibly irreparable. Mention welfare and farmers and industry run a mile :(

Oh but didn't you read one of the links above with quotes from head PETA people? They have publicly applauded people who have murdered those in the animal and science industries.

They don't do it themselves, but they quite literally fund actual terrorist groups who kill people and set fire to buildings using bombs. That's where peoples donations are going.

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After seeing the video of that little dog being stolen followed by the reporter going to PETA Headquarters, their setup looks rather plush. Clearly they're not short of a dollar so people are obviously donating plenty of money to this organisation of weirdos. If only people would investigate further exactly what their donations are contributing to. They obviously think PETA is about animal welfare.

I read about PETA taking animals from pounds and shelters only to immediately euthanize them. Is their aim to kill as many pet animals as possible?


Correction: they seek the end of all domestic animal variants, not just pets.

While peta are as crazy as they come, they aren't stupid, and that is what makes them so dangerous.

For example, if you follow their premise to it's logical conclusion they should also be killing humans without discrimination. But of course they are not so foolish as to ignore the fact that humans deaths are not so easily dismissed. An irony which may or may not be lost on them.

i have also found the same thing as LisaCC, the damage done to animal welfare is profound and possibly irreparable. Mention welfare and farmers and industry run a mile :(

Oh but didn't you read one of the links above with quotes from head PETA people? They have publicly applauded people who have murdered those in the animal and science industries.

They don't do it themselves, but they quite literally fund actual terrorist groups who kill people and set fire to buildings using bombs. That's where peoples donations are going.

Must have missed that one, that's the point though isn't it? They are happy to take the stance but they don't promote it, they know that the majority of their support comes from people who aren't going to look too deep.

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