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Lightroom Problem


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I'm hoping someone more knoweledgable than me will be able to shed some light on this error message I keep getting.

I have recently decided to add a watermark to all my photos published on Flickr. I edited the publishing settings and went to republish all the photos (there aren't that many, haven't been doing it for long. I think there's about 70) It managed to re-publish about half the photos and is now constantly coming up with the following error message

Flickr API returned an error message (function upload, message Filetype was not recognised)

I'm lost, surely all the files are the same? There is nothing different about the photos it can't do. It even stopped halfway through the same set of photos

Heeeeeeelp pleeeeease :D

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Thanks for the help both. I was hopeful the plug in manager thingy that Pers linked would work but it didn't :(

I have now sorted it though. I ended up deleting a whole group of photos from Flickr and then publishing then again. Not ideal as I had to go back and re do some of the links in photo threads on here, but I think it is all done now :)

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