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Just in a mood to think of my lovely old(young) boy. And then I thought it could be nice to have a thread for people to post their old favourites.

He was my first dog, my introduction to dogdom, and he was such a character always doing the funniest things. He taught he me a lot, without him I would never have got my Beautiful Digby dog or my fun-loving Del dog :)




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Puck as a baby 10 years ago. :heart: you could tell he was a character even back then.

12800918215_8ef0319564_z.jpg5F6A1804dpp by kirislin, on Flickr

When I first got Kibah back in 2000 I started out intending for her to sleep by my bed so I got a cardboard box and an old blanket. She was warm and snuggly in there. Penny was a few months older and slept in my bed.

12783772654_7fb8a78369_z.jpg5F6A1802dpp by kirislin, on Flickr

but then Penny decided she wanted to be with the cute little puppy!

12783328375_d4be4ee0e5_z.jpg5F6A1801dpp by kirislin, on Flickr

When they were young they were great mates. That changed as they grew, but these were the happy days.

12783316715_93d3f2defd_z.jpg5F6A1800dpp by kirislin, on Flickr

Kibah racing fit and in perfect health. She was so little the racing club didn't have a muzzle small enough for her, but in her first year of racing she had 22 races for 20 wins. Her only losses were just after her season. My little Pocket Rocket

12801093093_baf1db8844_z.jpgKibah, Hydale Blue Wren by kirislin, on Flickr

Edited by Kirislin
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Your cuddling whippets are adorable Kirislin :)

You would never think to look at that they'd grow up to be anything other than best mates!

thanks Raineth, they were really lovely as puppies but as they grew Kibah wanted to be top girl and attacked Penny several times. I used to wish that it could be sorted but I always felt I had to intervene and break up their fights because they we so savage I feared one or both would be killed. Hard to imagine looking at them in these photos.

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I have an adorable photo of Zeddy when she was a teeny 5 week old pup laying on the newly cut lawn next to my heart dog Woosie the Rottweiler... hard to believe that photo is now 15 years old and Wossie went to the Bridge 10 years ago. Still my fave photo ever... Zeddy was so TINY!


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I have an adorable photo of Zeddy when she was a teeny 5 week old pup laying on the newly cut lawn next to my heart dog Woosie the Rottweiler... hard to believe that photo is now 15 years old and Wossie went to the Bridge 10 years ago. Still my fave photo ever... Zeddy was so TINY!


we need to see it!!!!!!!

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I have an adorable photo of Zeddy when she was a teeny 5 week old pup laying on the newly cut lawn next to my heart dog Woosie the Rottweiler... hard to believe that photo is now 15 years old and Wossie went to the Bridge 10 years ago. Still my fave photo ever... Zeddy was so TINY!


we need to see it!!!!!!!

I don't have a scanner, and it's an old print from the days before digital cameras...

I'll have to see if I can get some of the old photos scanned to bitmaps or tiffs at Officeworks - I have some nice ones of most of my previous dogs - they each have their own albums in fact...


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OK - not the best photos, but they are my faves of Zeddy (now 15) with her bestie and my soulmate Woosie...



How tiny is Zeddy in that first photo? She's now about Labrador sized and weighs around 27kgs (and she's lean). Woosie was medium sized for a Rotti and weighed about 36kgs in those photos.


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Nope - Zeddy's mum was a pure Rotti, and her dad was the local escapee Pitbull from down the road.

She was all of 5 weeks old when I got her from a FTGH ad in the trading post - tiny but feisty... lol!

Woosie helped bring her up to be a well natured and lovable girl though...


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Woosie was my one true soulmate - hard to believe that she went to the Bridge 10 years ago at the end of September... my soul broke when she had to leave me.

She was a big fave with pups of all ages - but the littlies really adored her - here she is at nearly 1 with my cousin's 4 week old pet shop ACD...


... here she is at 4 months with a friend's little kitten - the kitten beat her up!


... and here's her 1st birthday party photo - my friend made a special doggy friendly cake...


Damn I miss her so much!


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