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Hayfever In Dogs - Any Advice?


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My 18 month old Maltese has, over the last few days, developed an irritation on the top eyelid of his left eye, almost right on the lash line. It is not dissimilar to a small blister. It is quite irritating to him and he is inclined to rub his face against the carpet, on the couch or on the bed. When he does this the eye becomes red, watery, a little puffy and looks very uncomfortable, as I am sure it is. This morning the irritation seems to have also moved to his lower eye lid. It seems to clear up overnight and looks pretty good in the morning and during the day when he doesn't rub it, but flares up every time he does.

A visit to our vet today and she says he suffers from hayfever. Vet has given him some tablets which are to be taken one a day every day for 7 days and then every second day for a further 14 days, along with an ointment to be put on the eye. As hubby took him to the vet (and I am at work as I post - shhh, don't tell!) I am not sure of the names of the tablets and ointment.

Just wondered whether anyone else has had their dog suffer from hayfever and if so, how did you treat it? As he is a Maltese he has a long coat, but we keep him groomed and trimmed every month at a local grooming salon. He is due for grooming this Saturday but vet said not to get him done as shampoos etc may cause more irritation.

All and any advice gratefully received - I hate to see my little boy in any pain and discomfort. Is there a gentle shampoo or something that I could wash him in myself?

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