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Tips For Exercising Lazy Dog :)


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He definitely knows what I'm talking about, I'm 98% sure he pretends confusion to get out of doing something he doesn't feel like. It's the same with basic commands, I can see him thinking "hmmm, do i feel like sitting right now? maybe, I spose it wouldn't hurt, and it'll make her happy..." then sit.

He definitely knows "where's the ball", but if he doesn't feel like it then he'll just eat poo instead!

I'm pretty sure he pretends not to know "kong" just so he can watch and laugh when I crawl in his kennel to get the empty one out.

He is a bit more interested in the ball at the park, if someone is throwing a ball for another dog he'll get into it more, but if they're consistently faster than him, then he'll just sit on the hill where people are throwing the ball and wait for it to come to him. People think it's hilarious that he's so lazy!!

I'm a bit lazy myself though, so I don't get too distressed about it.

It's so good to know there's another possum poo monster out there! I swear half the time when he wants to go out during the night it's just so he can harvest the poo while it's fresh! so so so annoying!

And of course the one time I decide to ignore him when he wanted to go out the other night he spewed all over the loungeroom floor at 4am.

And the peeing at the park!! It's drives me nuts in winter when I race him there for the last 10 minutes of daylight and he just ambles around peeing on things!

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He definitely knows what I'm talking about, I'm 98% sure he pretends confusion to get out of doing something he doesn't feel like. It's the same with basic commands, I can see him thinking "hmmm, do i feel like sitting right now? maybe, I spose it wouldn't hurt, and it'll make her happy..." then sit.

He definitely knows "where's the ball", but if he doesn't feel like it then he'll just eat poo instead!

I'm pretty sure he pretends not to know "kong" just so he can watch and laugh when I crawl in his kennel to get the empty one out.

He is a bit more interested in the ball at the park, if someone is throwing a ball for another dog he'll get into it more, but if they're consistently faster than him, then he'll just sit on the hill where people are throwing the ball and wait for it to come to him. People think it's hilarious that he's so lazy!!

I'm a bit lazy myself though, so I don't get too distressed about it.

It's so good to know there's another possum poo monster out there! I swear half the time when he wants to go out during the night it's just so he can harvest the poo while it's fresh! so so so annoying!

And of course the one time I decide to ignore him when he wanted to go out the other night he spewed all over the loungeroom floor at 4am.

And the peeing at the park!! It's drives me nuts in winter when I race him there for the last 10 minutes of daylight and he just ambles around peeing on things!

Hmm, sounds like they are related! Especially the basic commands/sitting part too. It's been two weeks of training and 'sit' is still not 100% :laugh: At first I thought that he wasn't the sharpest tool in the shed but now I agree, he gets it, but he doesn't give a stuff!

Amble is also an excellent work to describe our Lab's most energetic gait. It goes plod, shuffle, slow walk, normal walk but scuffing feet, floppy half walk/trot and then amble :)

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I know that running on sand can be beneficial toe humans building muscle as it's an unstable surface but am wondering if it would be similar for dogs. Perhaps a walk along the beach might help tone him up too!

Great idea about the sand, I've heard that too (and felt it myself - very hard work running on deep sand!)

Whenever I can I'll get him to the beach - fun for both of us (until I get home and have wet salty sandy hair-monsters to deal with :laugh: )

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