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Border Collie Chasing Flies


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Get rid of the flies.

Yes, really!

If it's an obsessive behaviour then you need to eliminate the thing he is obsessed over (or be there to distract him whenever the flies are around and train a different behaviour). My guys chase flies that are near them as they find them annoying. Tey don't go out of their way to find flies though. Hamish will chase a fly if it flies past him, but it's not an obsessive behaviour. So I guess figure out is it obsessive or is it because they are annoying (if it's because they are annoying it's not different to us swotting at flies that come near us!). Then you can figure out if it is a problem you need to do something about, or if he's just swotting.

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Both of my guys chase flies if they are around them but it isnt an obsessive behaviour. We do have a lot of March flies & they have both been on the recieving end of their fierce sting so to them every fly is out to get them.

Chasing flies can become an obsessive behaviour so I would be putting a repellent on him like Troys Repel-X which I use over the summer months. Excellent product .I also would reward him when he doesn't display this type of behaviour.

Hope this helps :)

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Hi - make sure your boy has plenty of mental exercise /training/interactive toys . :) use fly traps and repellent ..and contact a behaviourist if it seems the dog is obsessed with chasing/catching flies to extremes- as it can become a big problem.....

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