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Happy Adoption Day Jingo


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Happy one year Jingo :love:.

You may have missed in the past when I have asked what breeder/ lines he is from? He is a handsome man and sounds like a great little dog.

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Yes, Jingo did get spoiled yesterday, but that is nothing new, but he spoils us too, makining sure that my slippers are nicely fluffed (shaken), each time I leave them, lol.

Clover, Jingo is not from a registered breeder, he came from a friend who is on a farm, and had pups raised and socialised with working dogs, which was our main criteria as the registered breeders we were on a waiting list for were concerned that we had a border Collie. The vet who looks after both the parents and grandparents of Jingo adopted Jingo's brother, so we took the risk!

Thanks all, Jingo bought me out of a depression I went through when Tip lost his fight with a brown snake in March last year, but now I am smiling again- all the time!


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