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Pill Cutters

Loving my Oldies

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I use that one ,

to put the pill in the right place so it cuts even I use Tweezers I also found that if the pill is pushed right to to the top it comes out even .

I also bought one from some online shop that has different shape's and sizes that you interchange but to me it's useless did'nt cut even at all :confused:

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That is the one I use for both myself and the dogs. I find it quite effective. We share although I do wash it before I use it for my tablets. I chop mine up weekly. However I think their tablets would be safe for me. One of mine is on antibiotics at the moment and I don't think they would harm me.

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Most tablets given to dogs, Sarsaparilla, are the same as given to humans. Illnesses are very similar (hence the use of poor Beagles in laboratories :mad :mad :mad ), so I don't think the odd grain here or there would be harmful. However, as some dosages are very finely balanced, it is prudent to be careful.

I've had a trawl through Google Images. OMG all sorts and all sizes LOL. Who'd have thought.

One of Danny's tablets has to be cut into quarters and he has a quarter three times daily. I don't like to cut up a week's worth because if I don't get them cut cleanly or evenly, I worry that the dosages can be way out. Another is cut in half and another is cut in thirds.

I have a daily print out of all the medications so I don't miss any :laugh: :laugh: - have to larf otherwise I'd cry.

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Any particular reason why needing to cut I presume large tablet or having to give say only a half or quarter etc? some medication cannot be crushed or cut for humans due to the enteric coating and importance of it being digested in the exact part of gut meant to remove the enteric coating and it will break down incorrectly in body when attacked by digestive juices, Definately make sure if using same cutter for animal and human it is throughly washed as small traces build up over a time and can have detrimental affect on dog and human alike :(

If particular pill needing to be cut either wet slightly and quickly before putting in cutter and this way will make easier to slice through but this is a fine art. Best to use is a Swiss pill cutter they are brilliant but costly and only available in USA unfortuneately. On the odd occaison I have needed to split a dose I use my Very sharp knife place tablet onto peice of bread and this stabilises as well as collects any fine debris and first run knife back and forth to score tablet then hold knife firmly and push through.

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I have the blue one in the first pic. If you push the pull all the way into the V it will always be centered, for precise quarters you just have to get the cut line parralel with the line at the bottom of the cutter which is also pretty easy.

Way easier than using a knife

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We use the blue one at work (in a pharmacy), it gets a work out. The blades can go blunt though, so perhaps it's just time for a new one?

I definitely agree with using tweezers, and if the tablet has markings on them make sure you do follow the line. If you don't they can split there anyway and you won't have an even half, or they will just crumble.

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I also use the blue one in the photo for our old cat's medication. The tablets are ridiculously small and most have to be cut in half or quarters. I've had no issues with it, but I was using a knife and scissors before, so anything was an improvement.

I just put the tablet as close to the bottom of the v as it will go and then cut. I'm not sure how accurate you have to be with most medications when it comes to cutting them. I would assume there must be a small amount of leeway as it would be difficult to get a perfect 50/50 cut.

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I've bought a new one, similar action to the one in the picture, but has a rubbery (very fine) covering on the bottom which stops the pill from slipping.

That one sounds good DD.

:laugh: :laugh: It doesn't take much to amuse me, BC Crazy. I had a great time this morning cutting up the day's tablets :o :o

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I bought one of those blue pill cutters last night after reading this. It is so easy to quarter very small pills for the dogs.

Thank you! :thumbsup:

I didn't even know there was such a thing!

I use a knife which I do admit is not all that accurate

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I bought one of those blue pill cutters last night after reading this. It is so easy to quarter very small pills for the dogs.

Thank you! :thumbsup:

Ooooh!! I have changed someone's life :laugh: :laugh:

I am doing much better in quartering pills now that I am using tweezers, thanks to Griff.

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