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Faecal Sample For Testing


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The specialist internal medicine vet took a faecal sample from my 12yo girl yesterday and last night she had the most terrible diarrhoea twice overnight and twice this morning. I phoned this vet to tell her and she said it wouldn't have anything to do with taking the sample. That other dogs she has taken a sample from were fine afterwards.

Does anyone know exactly how they take a sample?

I have worked hard to keep her IBD or pancreatitis or whatever it is (I can't get a proper diagnosis yet) and I was quite annoyed that this happened to my old girl.

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The specialist internal medicine vet took a faecal sample from my 12yo girl yesterday and last night she had the most terrible diarrhoea twice overnight and twice this morning. I phoned this vet to tell her and she said it wouldn't have anything to do with taking the sample. That other dogs she has taken a sample from were fine afterwards.

Does anyone know exactly how they take a sample?

I have worked hard to keep her IBD or pancreatitis or whatever it is (I can't get a proper diagnosis yet) and I was quite annoyed that this happened to my old girl.

Um, not easily on their part or comfortably on your dear girl's part.

If you did not supply a fresh specimen, they might use a faecal rod.


Edited by VizslaMomma
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I didn't know she (the internal medicine specialist) was going to take a sample until I got there or I would have given them a sample.

I had to leave my old girl there and come back for her.

When I asked exactly what they did to take the sample...over the phone this morning...I was just told that it was the way they always took samples and no other dog ever had any problems!! That's not what I asked but hey, just avoid the question!

I paid $797 to get an ultra sound and this faecal test done!!! :dropjaw:

And I gladly pay it to hopefully and finally get a actual diagnosis but to see my old girl needlessly sick and to be told virtually that all dogs are the same, is just eating me up!

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aw, Stitch... this sounds so awful.

That's a brush off if ever I heard one.

No humans asre the same. No two dogs are the same, either.

And, your old girl is not a youngster, if you get what I mean.

Stress & the procedure itself could play havoc.

Only speaking from what has happened to me, our Vet has always requested a 'sample' to be supplied.

imo, I believe they were amiss to not tell you more specically their requirements.

Has the diahorrea eased yet?


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I don't know what they did to her as I couldn't get a straight answer.

They shouldn't have sedated her as she would have co-operated with whatever they wanted done.

The diarrhoea has eased but she still has the farts.

This dog is on a special diet and I have been so careful with her to avoid any diarrhoea.

So I go to the specialist and they manage to cause diarrhoea!!

What really annoyed me was that I made the booking with a specific internal medicine vet so as to avoid getting the woman that I got.

This is a big practice with 4-5 Internal Medicine specialists.

When I saw who it was I said...I made the booking with xyz specialist and was told that sometimes they swap around.

I should never have gone into that consult with this particular woman as I saw her several years ago and didn't like her then....she hasn't changed!!

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No, not that you should not have gone there.

The Practice has a duty of care to ensure the patient is correctly looked after.

As human, and therefore her voice, you need to be told what happened.

It all sounds like a brush off to me. And I do not 'do' being brushed off when my dog's health is involved.

I really want to feel secure in what they do.

I imagine you are the same. Yet this does not appear to have happened.

I would call the Practice and request a full explanation, including why there was a change of personnel without your approval.

I would not want to spend almost $1000 and have no answers.

Neither you nor your dear girl deserve that either.


Edited by VizslaMomma
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Hope her bowels clear up soon and you get a good response back from the vet. How dare they hedge the question when you asked about how the took the sample, I'd be pretty suspicious about that. Vets and doctors usually explain everything down to the very last detail, even when you don't want them to!

Best wishes to the old girl and hopefully she will be feeling better soon :)

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Thanks for the support VizslaMomma.

I feel better for having 'vented'.

I am going to have a word with the vet that owns the practice when the opportunity presents itself.

I am glad you are feeling brighter.

I happen to think it's important to vent when we are worrying about our dogs.

Sometimes we may be misguided within ourselves & cant see it. But really, AND, reasonably, you are entitled to feel this precious girl got treated well.

Paws crossed for helpful answers.


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