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Behaviour At The Vet


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Dancin, that is a very clever idea bringing a rubber mat along to put on the metal table most Vets have. That is Stella no.1 fear those darn slippery staino tables. Luckily the new Vet we go to does consults on rugs on the floor. Stella doesn't even need to be muzzled now. While she isn't over the moon about being there, she tolerates it. Which is a huge improvement from previous Vet visits :)

I am going to pack a rubber mat when we travel now though just in case we need to make a Vet visit for any reason.

Thanks for the heads up :thumbsup:

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If possible, take her to the vet and just sit in the waiting room, feed her treats, etc. And then leave. I'd do that as often as possible to try and break the negative association. Also when you do need to see the vet, ask them to go slowly and feed the dog treats before doing anything.

And I would also buy a dremel and do her nails at home. Cutting nails to the quick is painful and I don't blame her for hating the vets!

Have you found with an older dog the noise of the dremel puts them off too?

By older, I mean over one year.

Daddy only ever managed one Vizsla's set of nails with a dremel.

The others we trimmed weekly at home to minimise problems.

Horrible Herbert ( 10 months) has talons that maim. It's a hard road to trim right at the moment.


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