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Has Anyone Ever Judged The Way You Raise Your Dog?

Steph M

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Basically, my uncle just sent me a message after seeing our Facebook photos of the dogs at the snow and today I posted a photo of the two of them asleep on the couch when I got home.

He said something like 'as long as you know that's not how normal dogs are raised'

I get along quite well with him normally, but this really nicked me off.

Its not like they live solely inside and always in pyjamas (the photo from the snow that set him off) and never get to be dogs.

They're all raw fed, have a large yard and lots of shelter and bedding, pools, fresh water and an hour walk a day.

Sure they stay in when its cold/hot/raining excessively or the like and yes, they have coats. Rosie gets cold and Gus looks damn spunky in his leopard fleece coat!

I'm not seeking validation or anything (I know my dogs are happy, healthy and very cool), just having a vent and wondering what others experiences was?

I've never had it happen before, it seemed so odd. Why should anyone else care?

FYI I pretty much said 'normal is what you make it, but our dogs are well adjusted, well behaved and live a great life!'

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Yes, all the time from my fathers side of the family and my brother.

They're "get a mutt from the bloke down the street" kind of people and the amount of money, time and effort I've put into my dogs is an endless source of tension between us. However I won't deny I judge them as well for buying mutts, not walking them on lead, letting them breed whenever and being general shit dog owners, so I suppose it goes both ways.

I don't speak to them so much these days, it's peaceful.

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Only people who helpfully suggest I feed my dogs more. No, two or three ribs visible is normal for my guys. They're all muscled, shiny and happy.

Huge hate of mine. We get this a lot when we walk. Mainly Rosie, but Gus isn't a portly retriever, to the point people won't believe he is one?

Weird. I think they look great most of the time!

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frown.gif I know how you feel. Living in a rural area, even when Nova was 2-6 months I was getting comments that dogs shouldn't be inside, on beds, on the couch, etc etc. Even got bullshit because I would carry him before he got his final shots as parvo was having a serious outbreak "Why are you babying that dog like that, it can walk!" I know it can walk you douchenugget but unlike half the pups around here mine won't get parvo!

Oh and the lovely comments made by my old lawn mower guy when I first got him to "The best way to raise a dog is to keep in on a chain, and if it ever plays up give it a boot, none of this positive crap". Arghhh!

No where near as bad as the above but even comments from family about the simple fact that I feed him food that cost more than $20 and brush him daily is apparently babying... No no, it's just to stop my house from looking like a giant hair ball.

Like you said, our dogs are well adjusted, well behaved, and well looked after. So stuff what they say and vent away smile.gif

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I've not had judgement on the way I raise my girls, but I have had judgement over my doggy passion (or obsession). One of my sisters HATED how much time I spent at dog shows - which is not all that often, this was sparked by me going to two shows in a month - but I ignored it until we had a blow up over something else and she realised how much they mean to me, and that this isn't a passing phase (nearly 4 years now!) and now she buys me spotty cushions and cute fridge magnets that say "my next dog will be normal" and it cracks me up. She has totally come around to my side.

I ignored it, totally kept pursuing my passion and not hiding it. She made me feel bad that I should love something like this (she's totally into Raw food and no sugar and all that which I find equally strange).

Maybe he saw it and felt bad about how his dogs live? Idk, just a thought.

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A rescue, reactive bull breed, separation anxiety, Prozac, has a range of groovy Jammie's, sleeps on the couch and bed. Hell yea I judge me for not treating all my other dogs this way. Previous dogs had to sleep on the floor and spend time outside, in the wild, without me. ????????????????

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I've not had judgement on the way I raise my girls, but I have had judgement over my doggy passion (or obsession). One of my sisters HATED how much time I spent at dog shows - which is not all that often, this was sparked by me going to two shows in a month - but I ignored it until we had a blow up over something else and she realised how much they mean to me, and that this isn't a passing phase (nearly 4 years now!) and now she buys me spotty cushions and cute fridge magnets that say "my next dog will be normal" and it cracks me up. She has totally come around to my side.

I ignored it, totally kept pursuing my passion and not hiding it. She made me feel bad that I should love something like this (she's totally into Raw food and no sugar and all that which I find equally strange).

Maybe he saw it and felt bad about how his dogs live? Idk, just a thought.

That's good she's come around to your side. I don't think non dog people really understand the commitment levels that we can get. You should've heard some of the comments from family friends when Mum told them I'm entering shows and training for trials... Apparently that's a horrible hobby and will repel men!

Edited by LisaCC
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Didi was a lil puppy over the summer break and I would go out a lot with friends but always left early and could never stay over because puppy needs to wee and get put to bed etc etc. And so many of my friends would get annoyed and would say it's just a dog, it can live without you and that I baby her too much. This was mainly coming from people who had never owned a dog or in particular from a guy who owns an obese beagle/german shep mix that is fed canned pedigree everyday and boasts about how his dog can spend 24 hours on it's own, not a problem. I soon found myself not getting invited to things at all which was nice...

I still knock back a lot of offers or since I have obedience on Sunday mornings I never stay out late on a Saturday and I just think people don't grasp the concept that just because I don't need to do all the things I do for Didi doesn't mean I don't WANT to. I am lucky that my best friend got a kelpie pup a week before I got Didi and we have been able to relate a lot and we have regularly found ourselves discussing poo in depth over dinner and other things my other friends would never dream of entertaining.

My family is very doggy and treat their dogs similarly to how we treat Didi so no issues there :)

My mum's stepmother though HATES animals and I remember she came to stay with us for a month and would refuse to let us free run our rats at the time and would make a big fuss every time I said I was going to do it and would go to her room. When my mum told her that we got Didi, even though she knew how much I wanted a dog she more or less it was a bad decision and that dogs are a waste of time... I hope she doesn't invite herself to stay anytime soon otherwise she will probably have to spend the entire time in the spare room :laugh:

I judge people all the time with what they do with their dogs (internally of course) but living in the inner city I don't come across too many people who subscribe to the old treat em mean keep em keen addage. What I do come across is many badly behaved dogs or dogs with severe issues whose owners overlook everything they do and brush it off, think that love is all a dog needs.

Edited by Terri S.
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I've not had judgement on the way I raise my girls, but I have had judgement over my doggy passion (or obsession). One of my sisters HATED how much time I spent at dog shows - which is not all that often, this was sparked by me going to two shows in a month - but I ignored it until we had a blow up over something else and she realised how much they mean to me, and that this isn't a passing phase (nearly 4 years now!) and now she buys me spotty cushions and cute fridge magnets that say "my next dog will be normal" and it cracks me up. She has totally come around to my side.

I ignored it, totally kept pursuing my passion and not hiding it. She made me feel bad that I should love something like this (she's totally into Raw food and no sugar and all that which I find equally strange).

Maybe he saw it and felt bad about how his dogs live? Idk, just a thought.

That's good she's come around to your side. I don't think non dog people really understand the commitment levels that we can get. You should've heard some of the comments from family friends when Mum told them I'm entering shows and training for trials... Apparently that's a horrible hobby and will repel men!

Haha to the bolded bit! My husband is a surfing/playstation type of man, hard enough to get his attention during a game but he's there ringside cheering me on, setting up my gazebo and giving me tips on handling (!) :rofl:

He knew nothing of showing 4 years ago! Partly how I knew he was the right one :laugh:

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I've not had judgement on the way I raise my girls, but I have had judgement over my doggy passion (or obsession). One of my sisters HATED how much time I spent at dog shows - which is not all that often, this was sparked by me going to two shows in a month - but I ignored it until we had a blow up over something else and she realised how much they mean to me, and that this isn't a passing phase (nearly 4 years now!) and now she buys me spotty cushions and cute fridge magnets that say "my next dog will be normal" and it cracks me up. She has totally come around to my side.

I ignored it, totally kept pursuing my passion and not hiding it. She made me feel bad that I should love something like this (she's totally into Raw food and no sugar and all that which I find equally strange).

Maybe he saw it and felt bad about how his dogs live? Idk, just a thought.

That's good she's come around to your side. I don't think non dog people really understand the commitment levels that we can get. You should've heard some of the comments from family friends when Mum told them I'm entering shows and training for trials... Apparently that's a horrible hobby and will repel men!

Haha to the bolded bit! My husband is a surfing/playstation type of man, hard enough to get his attention during a game but he's there ringside cheering me on, setting up my gazebo and giving me tips on handling (!) :rofl:

He knew nothing of showing 4 years ago! Partly how I knew he was the right one :laugh:

Has he got any like minded friends/brothers/cousins? laugh.gif

The comment is hilarious looking back, but it's also upsetting that you know... I'm 23 and apparently all my hobbies need to involve whether or not men find it an attractive attribute. *Grumbles*

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I've been judged a lot, from letting the dog on the couch to giving her breakfast in treat balls and kongs. People think I spoil her... I just don't want her to be bored! I love the dog pyjamas, it would probably cross a line with my OH though, haha ????

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Yep, been judged, from people giving me crap about not wanting to go out drinking or clubbing after work or on weekends because I would rather spend time doing dog things, to being judged for having the dog in the house - my mum famously screeched that there are microscopic mites in dog and cat fur that will kill me when I breath fur-infested air in my house - to someone who told me dogs don't need company and I will never get a man being a crazy dog lady and then turned around and told me I didn't love my dog as much as she loved dogs because I chose to be by my dog's side when she was PTS.

Yeah, apparently she didn't think she would be able to bear having a dog PTS and witnessing it so therefore I must not love my dog since I managed to do it.

Haters gonna hate. :shrug: I just keep doing my thing and loving every second I spend with my wonderful animals. :walkdog:

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That's me too Christina, I always talk about how spoilt our dogs are :laugh:

I don't really think there is a "normal" way to raise a dog, people raise their dogs the way they like and the way that suits their lifestyle, and the beautiful thing about dogs is that they don't care! As long as they're getting their needs met, they're happy :)

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