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References Please: "early And Often"


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I know I've seen posts by Steve and others saying that repro biology tells us it's better for a bitch to start her breeding at a relatively early age and that the uterus stays healthier if there are no multi-year lapses between litters. I was trying to tell this to someone who is breeding a 7 year old virgin and can't find the references. Have tried "search" using various phrases, but it isn't getting me anywhere.

Can someone pls point me in the right direction. Thanks.

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You are talking about the references which would explain why its better to mate them younger not that you shouldn't breed them older. Though there is a greater chance of uterine problems of an intact bitch which is not bred as they age.

According to canine reproduction specialist Dr S. Romagnoli"bitches whelping regularly throughout their reproductive life almost neverdevelop pyometra, while those who whelp rarely or never in their lives have a greater chance of developing this condition".

Standard textbook of veterinary internal medicine notes that uterine diseases are less common in kennels where bitches are bred and conceiveregularly indicating that pregnancy has a protective effect on the lining of the uterus or "endometrium"5,6

1994 Donnay and his associates showed that there is a relationship between the number of pseudopregnancies a bitch goes through andthe development of mammary cancer

Verstegen and Onclin (2006)" 1 have also studied canine mammary cancer and found that a large number of bitches presented for mammary tumors also show pseudo pregnancy, that a large percentage of these females had frequent pseudo pregnancies and that the bitches with recurringpseudo pregnancy at each cycle tended to develop mammary tumors significantly earlier than other animals."

1.J.P. Verstegen III and K. Onclin. Prolactin andAnti-Prolactinic Agents in the Pathophysiology and Treatment of Mammary Tumorsin the Dog. NAVC Proceedings2006, North American Veterinary Conference (Eds).

2.Canine Pseudopregnancy: A Review (Last Updated:23-Aug-2001)

3.C.Gobello1, P. W. Concannon2 and J. Verstegen III3, RecentAdvances in Small Animal Reproduction, Concannon P.W., England G., Verstegen IIIJ. and Linde-ForsbergC. (Eds.)

4..Donnay I, Rauis J & Verstegen J – Influence desantécédents hormonaux surl'apparition clinique des tumeurs mammaires chez lachienne. Etudeépidémiologique. Ann. Med. Vet. 1994, 138, 109-117

4.Simón Martí Angulo Clinical aspects of uterine disease in the bitch and queen.Proceeding of the Southern European Veterinary ConferenceOct. 2-4, 2009.

5.S.Romagnoli, How I Treat… Pyometra. Proceeding of the SEVCSouthern European Veterinary Conference Oct. 17-19, 2008 – Barcelona, Spain

6.Davidson AP, Feldman EC. Ovarian and estrous cycle abnormalities. In:

7.EttingerSW, Feldman EC (eds) Textbook of Veterinary Internal Medicine. WB Saunders, 2004

8.Johnson CA. Cystic endometrial hyperplasia, pyometra, andinfertility. In: Ettinger SW, Feldman EC (eds). Textbook of Veterinary InternalMedicine WB Saunders, 1992, pp. 954


Proceedings of the 34th World Small Animal VeterinaryCongress

WSAVA 2009 São Paulo, Brazil – 2009

10. S. Romagnoli, Infertility in the Bitch, Proceeding oftheSEVC, Oct. 17-19, 2008 – Barcelona, Spain Southern European Veterinary Conference

Edited by Steve
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