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Paws On Patrol


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Was watching the CI channel this morning and a show came on about anti social behaviour in England. One segment was about the Paws on Patrol initiative, which is basically people signing up to the program and then when walking their dogs they keep an eye out for things like graffiti, burglaries, hoons, groups behaving badly and trashing things etc. They have a numbers to ring [if it's council related or crime related]. They can also keep tabs on the neighbourhood like if mail hasnt' been collected in a while then the council can do a home check to see if the person is ok. Thought it was rather a brilliant idea. But they stress that the dog walkers must never actually try and stop anything themselves, let the police etc deal with it. They are merely the eyes and ears for the police/council.

Some give discounts to the volunteers on pet products and the like, which is another good incentive.

Paws on Patrol - Gloucester

Paws on Patrol - Stroud

Paws on Patrol - Suffolk

ETA: Found the video on you tube so linking to segment

Paws on Patrol video

Edited by Noishe
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