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Zoos Victoria Train Maremma Bodyguards In Bid To Save Bandicoots


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Not true - they don't bond with the others - simply see them as normal.

I agree. One example being, a wild rabbit moving in to my property. At first the dogs would bark and chase along the fence line. Bunny persisted and continued to graze at the fence line. Now I have the same bunny scampering around the paddock with the dog. Dog knows it's not a threat, bunny know it's safe with him - he's not bonded to it at all, he loves his sheep. Bunny is safe by association and building up a normality over time.

We also have a Magpie who visits every day. I swear to god the dogs know when it's a different Magpie and they get chased away. Our regular visitor is allowed to hop around the yard.

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