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Hi ppl,am new here ,and wondering if anyone has had a pup with Parvovirus , if so what were the first signs you spotted thanks Davext Ps would the breeder be responsible for vet fees if symptoms showed 24 hrs after recieving pup

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Parvo comes on fast, pup could easily have gone from fine, no symptoms, to critically ill over 24 hours. Very glad you got pup to the vet. Incubation period is 7-10 days as I understand it so it does seem likely the pup came in contact with it before you brought it home but the breeder may have been unaware. If you haven't already, you need to let the breeder know about this as their other dogs and pups from the litter may be affected. Re. Who's responsible for costs, I really don't know :(

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Hi yes,i did inform the breeder immediatly the vet informed me, the pup had contacted the virus i felt it was the right thing to do in case other dogs in ther care , contracted it,/ having paid 3500 00 dollars i for the pup and outlay for the vet i feel i have some redress re the breeder,Dave xt

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There are a couple of strains of Parvo... and the onset of symptoms can come on as quickly as 24-48 hours from exposure to it - especially in very young pups.

Pups can also give a false positive for Parvo if they've been vaccinated recently. There are other conditions that may present with similar symptoms to the early stages of Parvo. Vaccinosis comes to mind.

More info is needed before one can come to the conclusion that a) the pup actually had/has Parvo, and b) whether it is the breeder's responsibility to pay vet fees for the treatment.

I have a few questions...

1. How old was the pup in question when you brought it home?

2. When did it have it's last vaccination before you brought it home?

3. When was it's last worming before you brought it home?

4. Did you physically pick up the pup from the breeder, or was there a transport company involved in getting it to you?

I'm not a breeder, nor have any affiliation with any - but I do have extensive experience with young pups, having fostered nearly 200 of them for rescue. I've seen and dealt with more puppy illnesses than I care to mention over the years - and sometimes the vets can actually get a diagnosis wrong (in my experience anyways).


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Hi T Pup was 9 weeks when i picked her up from airport, not from breeder, (Jet Pets handled the transport,) and she had all the rellevent vacinations 3weeks before i picked her up,i had put her symptoms down to the travelling / diarrhoea/not eating ect, as pups i found usually gorge themselves if allowed Davext

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If it was Parvo did you advise Jet Pets so they could sterilize the crate, or was it your crate?

All the crates are sterilized but I'd definitely make contact! If the pup boarded or was transported in the same van as other pups or just so the vans can be sterilized and anyone he had contact with along the way can be notified.

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3. When was it's last worming before you brought it home?

No answer to op but am curious as to how the above would be relevant to parvo ?

PS Hope your puppy is ok now & has responded well to treatment.

Edited by Christina
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Hi , well she is slowly starting to eat herself but very picky/ no diarrhoea, since she came back,and had lost a lot of weight , so i will feel better when she get s her appetite back,/ as for the worming am not sure ,there only is 1stamp in book (Vanguard Plus 5 )Davext

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Hi T Pup was 9 weeks when i picked her up from airport, not from breeder, (Jet Pets handled the transport,) and she had all the rellevent vacinations 3weeks before i picked her up

Sometimes 6 week vaccinations don't take, as the maternal antibodies are still in effect.

What did the breeder say when you raised the cost issue with them?

Did any of the other pups in the litter fall ill?

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Hi well have not heard back from Breeder which was a little dissapointing , as up till now my 20 or so emails from the begining of booking the dog they were answered within hrs, so i had been waiting for some response Davext

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One of my boys got parvo at the beginning of the year, less than 48 hours after being exposed the first symptom I noticed he seemed quiet and lethargic, then the diarrhoea started. At first it contained no traces of blood but the smell is what made me realise he had it, I had him to the vet so quick they misdiagnosed.

He was put on a drip for the day and sent home, he went downhill over night and collapsed the next morning.

He ended up spending 10 days on a drip in isolation being pumped with painkillers and a whole lot of other meds. They also had to give him a plasma transfusion.

I don't know how he made it since he only weighs 2.5kg full size.

I would be contacting your breeder and also the company you used for the travel, as long as the vet is sure it's parvo and not severe gastro, which can have similar symptoms.

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Hi as i said previously i sort of put it down to the flights and travelling ect, if i had had the pup for 3/4 months and she started symtoms i think it would have been more noticeable for me to pickup. oh how long did it take for your dog to get back to his normal self ? Davext

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Parvo knocks them around a lot, my boy was just over 1 year old and it took about 3 months to really be his old self, recovery is a very slow process.

Even now he is not quite as active as he was.

Lots of little meals, their stomach needs to heal and limited exercise until 100% well.

I only knew what I was dealing with because I worked in a vet for so many years and I handled my next door neighbours puppy as it died, I suspected parvo at the time but accidentally exposed my own dog.

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