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Coat And Skin Moisturiser?


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Thanks everyone for all the help and ideas. Will look at what is available to me locally out of these suggestions, start there and try one thing at a time till we get a nice balance. I prefer to shop locally with my perfume allergies as it means I can open the bottle and actually smell it and make a decision that way, I've been caught out in the past with products being marketed as suited for sensitive people only to have them smell like lavender, etc. :(

She is conditioned every bath and without the extra bathing her coat and skin are stunning, i think we are just sort of teetering on the edge of overwashing if that makes sense.

Trifecta it's not a bad doggy type smell, bassets and some other scent hounds have their owns sort of slight aroma, i don't mind it at all, it's not like what i would call dog smell like you smell on dogs with bad diets but given she's visiting very clean hospital type places with people that can be sensitive to smells if they are having chemo, etc I like to try to make her smell not houndy. :laugh:

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I use Megaderm daily on both my guys as Sonny had a food intolererance some time ago & it left his coat like sandpaper & his skin was dry & flakey. They are washed/ conditioned every fortnight & his coat/skin condition has improved 110%. His coat is so shiny now . Took about 2 weeks to see subtle improvement but by 3 months, amazing .I would never let them go without it now. Works wonders IMHO :)

Edited by BC Crazy
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Try washing her with conditioner only. You have to scrub a bit more with your fingers to get good coverage. Rinse really well.

I do this a lot JulesP & it works well. I have a SudsPro so I just put a tiny bit of conditioner in it & it dilutes it. I rinse their coats out after they swim in the ocean. Stops a lot of coat damage.

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Kelpiecuddles my dog tends to have a dry skin and coat because of his allergies and isn't able to digest added dietary oils very well. The dermatologist vet recommended diluting 10ml of QV bath oil into a 400ml spray bottle of warm water and spritzing him daily. His final rinse after bathing is also diluted QV bath oil. QV products are for people with sensitive skin/ eczema etc. and are available from pharmacies. Pretty sure they are perfume-free.

We also apply Paws Essential 6 oil spot-on after bathing him (that might be overkill in a dog without allergies though). This is enough to balance Bruno's skin and coat and he doesn't feel oily or attract dirt using this much. :)

I used to help to get horses ready for Auctions, we'd use Alpha Keri oil. Add a decent squirt into a bucket of warm water and tip over the horse. Their coats looked amazing.

I have used it for my kids in their baths as they have sensitive skin and the cold weather brings on eczema, so it's very gentle on their skin

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Try washing her with conditioner only. You have to scrub a bit more with your fingers to get good coverage. Rinse really well.

I do this a lot JulesP & it works well. I have a SudsPro so I just put a tiny bit of conditioner in it & it dilutes it. I rinse their coats out after they swim in the ocean. Stops a lot of coat damage.

I wash my own hair like this :laugh:

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