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Odd Behaviour After Vacc


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Josie had a C5 vacc yesterday afternoon and today she is in a very strange mood, baring her teeth and making low growling sounds at our other dog and snapping at her if she comes close. Is this normal after a vacc? I don't remember her ever doing this before but her last vacc was a C3 about 3 years ago. I can only guess she might be feeling achy?

For now I've fed them and put them to bed in separate areas just to avoid any conflicts.

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Josie had a C5 vacc yesterday afternoon and today she is in a very strange mood, baring her teeth and making low growling sounds at our other dog and snapping at her if she comes close. Is this normal after a vacc? I don't remember her ever doing this before but her last vacc was a C3 about 3 years ago. I can only guess she might be feeling achy?

For now I've fed them and put them to bed in separate areas just to avoid any conflicts.

Can occur. Dogs can be sore, miserable and achy after vaccinations. They can be moody, cranky as well.

Usually there is an improvement within 24 hours t0 48 hours. For some dogs, it is like the Flu shot for humans.

Hopefully Josie recovers quickly as you montior her.


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Mmmm... She's never had a C5 before but had to this time for her therapy accreditation so maybe it's the bordatella/kennel cough component that hasn't quite agreed with her. Poor girl looks pretty miserable. Think I'll just keep them separate for 24 hours, don't want a big barny on my hands!

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Lethargy and some irritability is possible after a Vaccination but watch out for changes in resting resp rate or if she deteriorates further.

I really wish the therapy groups would accept titre testing for the core diseases so we only had to do the kennel cough component!

I hope she is feeling brighter soon- its not nice when they are not feeling 100% and can't tell us why :(

Edited by Jumabaar
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She seems healthy otherwise just a bit of a sadsack.:( She's spent the evening laying next to us and then following us around the house like a little lost soul anytime we move. Normally she'd be prancing around and trying to get Sascha to play with her.

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