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Toilet Trained Except Upstairs...


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Hi Everyone,

We've had Poppy (16mo Chi) for about a month now, and she has settled in with us perfectly... BUT I have one question about house training...

Poppy is house trained, asks to go out, goes on command etc. BUT when she goes upstairs she almost always does a poo somewhere on the carpet. And it isn't always in the same spot or area. Downstairs is all polished floorboards or vinyl, with a large rug in the lounge room. No problems at all - no accidents or anything. The stairs and rooms upstairs are all carpeted.

Any ideas why she has uncharacteristic accidents upstairs? Could there be remnants of a carpet cleaner smell that is triggering her off? If so, what carpet cleaning products would you recommend? How can I stop her doing this before it becomes a habit?




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perhaps because most of her training was done downstairs? She learned to go out that door .. but 'that door' is not upstairs- so she doesn't know what to do ! :( Also often a dog's desire to toilet is triggered bu the feel of what is under their feet - grass & carpet can feel similar ... It's like some litter trained cats will use beanbags !

Edited by persephone
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