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Fish Oil And Another Dose Of Ap...


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Mac my very elderly westie has developed flakey skin - its happened since we've been house-siting in the Adelaide Hills since late June so no sure if the super cold is connected. The vet checked it last Thursday an it' definitely not flea dirt - it's definitely dark flakey skin.

So I've started him on fish oil with his evening meal thinking it will help his arthritis as well (he's also on low dose pain relief) - but I'm unsure of the dose for a 7.5 kg westie?

Any dosage advice or other suggestions please?

TIA :)

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I quite like this one and says 3ml per day for a small dog (I think it has better instructions inside) - I like that it is a combination of oils and has the correct amount of vitamin E needed when dosing fish oils.


Edit, Pure Virgin Coconut oil is also very good for flakey skin, both inside and out.

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We give our male olive oil. Have discovered that the Woolies no name brand is not as good as the 'good stuff'. Took literally a couple of weeks to go from mr scratchy to mr shiny. He now gets roughly a tablespoon each meal.

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Thanks so much everyone. They're great suggestions and much to try. smile.gif I think I overdid it a bit last night as his poo was a bit soft this afternoon so will leave him for a day or do and give him the correct dose this time!!! embarrass.gif

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Coconut oil or flaxseed oil is good, I usually give about 1/4 tsp of coconut oil mixed with their dinner. I also add about 1/3 cup of cold pressed olive oil (Australian, available at Aldi $17 4L) when I am making a bucket-load of their raw vegie slops.

If you are giving fish oil make sure you supplement with Vitamin E

I also give Penny and Mac Synflex which has is beneficial for old bones



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Thanks all. I've started him on fish oil and that seems to have done the trick.

It's been a rough 10 hours here - Mac lost urinary continence and the use of his back legs suddenly late yesterday afternoon. Raced off to the emergency vet again - insisted on ABs despite a normal temp and he's started to come good as of late last night. Still very wobbly at 10.30pm but on his feet. I cried. While I know it will happen at some stage I'm just not ready to lose him yet. Online friends with dogs with GOLPP are guessing it might have been the beginning of Aspiration Pneumonia again (lung films were a bit cloudy but not badly so) producing the back leg weakness - and the ABs got it early. No accidents so far overnight. So fingers crossed he continues to recover.

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oh dear :(:hug:

I may be way off here - but perhaps check if oil is Ok to give with dogs like Mac? ...oil clings, and dribbles ...and although a tiny amount - lung tissue is not meant to have oil anywhere near it .... just a thought , WM ... dear old Mac - it's a lot for an old boy ....

rest up today - :kissbetter:

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Thanks all, he's much better this morning - still wobbly but back on his feet. he slept well last night and ate well this morning. He's being very snuggley on my lap as I type this one handed.

Perse thats a good thought about the oil - I'll switch him over to capsules - although his skin has improved remarkably so maybe I can skip it all together.

Yes as he gets very old he gets more and more high maintenance. He's on low dose pain relief full-time and frequently on ABs at the first sign of illness. He's also on Vivitonin and Loxicom three times a week and stilboestrel for his continence. Maybe its all too much... I wonder what would happen if I cut some of it out? But what? I really think he needs the low dose pain relief - he seems so much better since he's been on it. Hmn... hard to know what to do...

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what would probably happen by reducing/cancelling meds is that that old body would suffer even more from the problems which he has ....and make your decision making more urgent . You are both loaded with extra burdens nowdays - and it's hard . :hug:

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Thanks Perse - yes I do have a lot on at the moment - roll on the new house.

While I'm incredibly grateful to be up at Crafers in this lovely home for seven weeks it will be marvellous for us all to be back in our own space - so roll-on the new house. As to the meds... I'll give it some thought but two weeks ago the vet reviewed him and felt his regime was OK. The only med he queried was the Gabapentin from the Emergency Hospital and I feel thats the most useful drug of the lot - so its staying!! Although I have plenty of it, I might talk to the vet about chopping out the Loxicom altogether and see how he goes with just one pain med... hmn...

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hi Westiemum

Any chance the flakey skin could be from a fungal infection? Adelaide hills might be cold but they're also damp and humid this time of year and can promote the growth of fungi - not just mushrooms.

In which case some sort of anti fungal ointment eg for tinea (stinky feet) or vet equivalent might be needed? I think if you want to be sure - need to do a skin scraping and send it off to the lab to see what grows.

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