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(4th Dayd Update)(solved)urgent- Puppy Blood In Poo


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This is the third poop (from this morning not yesterday) - I used the insert picture img tag thingies so it will display

There's no runny spill but it still looks very red and dark when you zoom in on it.


Looks a bit like a canned food poo on my screen ....

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Ocean Keys Vet is where I go and they are in Clarkson. Highly recommend.

I had a friend work there when she was a vet student, that was a long time ago though. Good to hear it's still one of the better vets.

Go and see Adrian at Ocean Keys Vet. he will get your pup sorted.

Adrian at Ocean Keys is the best up here for sure! I trust him a million times over with my beloved Belgian Shepherd. And he takes on any emergency case too.

Hope you've managed to see a new vet today.

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Sorry for late reply. We booked the recommended vet(Ocean keys vet) tomorrow from you helpful guys but not sure if the vet is Adrian.(Has to be Adrian or all of them are pro and helpful?)

Here are some pics from today.


I bought him a wooden house but he doesn't want to get in even few seconds.

We played with him today and he is very active. He is Weeks old (1st vaccination finished) is it okay to put him outside? I already isolated the grass and the soil.

Will update tomorrow night when we meet the other vet.

Thanks again for helpers.

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Not sure what you mean by 'put him outside'. I hope you don't mean you will put him outside to sleep and to live his life as an outside dog. He should not be put outside to live, he's a baby puppy and should be inside the house with you

Take him outside in the yard for house training and for short play periods under your supervision. Don't put him outside alone, it's not safe for a baby pup.

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He sleeps in our bed room with us at night, but we will let him go out side in the morning as he will cry to the backyard door, we are not sure why he loves the backyard tho, we don't mind he plays around the backyard but he just finished 1st shot that's why we made an isolated area for him. When we let him outside, he wants to stay inside, when we let him stay inside, he wants to go outside(crying sadly).

Edited by ka89
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That's good that he's inside with you. It seems he likes to go outside too. Are you taking him outside often to pee/poo so you can get him house trained. That takes a quite a few weeks.

Yep that's pups. If they're inside they want to go out and if they're outside they want to come in. Puppies are a lot of work. He's a very cute little puppy.

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That's good that he's inside with you. It seems he likes to go outside too. Are you taking him outside often to pee/poo so you can get him house trained. That takes a quite a few weeks.

Yep that's pups. If they're inside they want to go out and if they're outside they want to come in. Puppies are a lot of work. He's a very cute little puppy.

Thanks. He is really cute one in my eyes, I didn't toilet train him formally but he learnt to pee/poo in the bath room(random area in the bathroom tho...) and the backyard as the pic shows. The mess was expected before we decided to have a pup.

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I would suspect whipworm causing the blood in a pet shop puppy from a puppy farm. A serious infestation now can affect the future health if they survive. Be aware that if you go to a different vet the pet shop will not pay any of the costs and if the puppy dies you will not get a refund. The pet shop contracts are written to ensure that you only get a refund if the puppy is returned to them alive or dies under the care of their designated vet. When I worked for the AWL we had lots of complaints about pet shop puppies that died but there was nothing we could do as the contracts were so well written. I personally would take the puppy back for a refund and if everyone who bought a sick puppy from them did that, they would stop selling sick puppies. Most buyers however go to a different vet, spend a fortune and are then stuck with the bills whether the puppy lives or dies. If you don't want to return the puppy, at least keep going back to their vet until the puppy is completely well so they have to keep paying.

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That is awesome you're going to see Adrian today!!!!! Well there is only Adrian and his father who own the practice, no other vets. So appointments can run late but that is to be expected.

I see what you're saying dancinbcs but the puppy owner has already stated they will not take the puppy back to the pet store and the pet store vet couldn't care less. We have all told the owner to take puppy to a new vet and a VERY good vet has been suggested and puppy is going there today.

This is one rare pet shop puppy owner doing the right thing here, be supportive and helpful hey :)

The pup is in good hands seeing Dr Adrian. I know for a fact as he is my personal vet.

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I agree with engish.ivy. ka89 is attached to her pup and clearly intends to do whatever is needed to bring this pup back to optimum health.

I hope ka89 will update us after the vet has seen the puppy.

Me too. ka89's experience will no doubt be passed on to friends and acquaintances. Puppy is getting a good home and a good chance.

Education is necessary to stop pet shops, but once the deed is done, the owner needs support not lectures. :)

So glad that ka89 has sought help and has acted in pup's best interests.

Ka89, your pup will probably use the dog house from time to time, but generally you will find that his house is where you are LOL.

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What a cutie !

They might be out of the camera shots, but where are your baby's toys! The pictures I am seeing are of a very bare boring area. If puppy has nothing to amuse itself with and things to explore, no wonder he doesn't want to stay outside. Toys of different textures, ones that make noises, and ones you can stuff with treats.

Good luck at the vet.

Ps.... Try turning the kennel around so that the opening faces towards the door. Puppy is more likely to use it if he can sit in it but still see through the door. Maybe bring it closer to the door too. This might look a bit funny but if it helps him use it, once he is using it, slowly move it to where you would prefer it.

Edited by GrufLife
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Be aware that if you go to a different vet the pet shop will not pay any of the costs and if the puppy dies you will not get a refund. The pet shop contracts are written to ensure that you only get a refund if the puppy is returned to them alive or dies under the care of their designated vet.

I'm not sure this is entirely right.

Australian consumer guarantee requires the pet shop provides a healthy puppy.

Unfortunately if they don't you can only ask for repair or replacement.

Car shops are not allowed to insist you take your car to them for warranty care - you can go to any independent car shop that follows the manufacturer care guide lines.

But I don't know if you can get your (independent) vet fees back from the pet shop. Or whether it would be worth trying.

But given the three way financial vested interests between puppy farm, shop and vet, they're not going to put any effort into properly diagnosing the problem or providing adequate care. Not until the law forces them to.

And none of that takes into account the emotional bond that forms almost instantly with the puppy. It would be akin to taking a child back and asking for a refund. You could only do it if the bond was completely broken.

How to fix it? Well parents sue the crap out of the doctors if things go wrong with delivery and they get an unhealthy or disabled baby because of it. Hence obstetricians can not afford their legal insurance on their own. We all pay for that.

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Hello helpful guys,

3rd day update(pup will visit Adrian in hours today):

I turned the doghouse face to the door and he still not willing to get inside, maybe he needs some times to it.gkJgXNx.jpg

His favorite playing point(out of his unsupervised area), this is a little problem, he loves to play things here but he will bite/chew the wood with the soil, not sure if its okay with it. I block the access there when unsupervised.yAagGoB.jpg

This is what he wants to dig. 1b8s4dw.jpg

This is he really loves to chew, the black one.EGgIuPU.jpg

He loves grass area of course but can he play unsupervised in the grass area? expect he will chew the wood again.

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Lots of snuggly bedding inside the kennel may make it more attractive... as will giving him treats in there.


We feed him just next to the his house and treat him in side/attract him by his toy but he will get in the house to bring the treat/toy out to another area.

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