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I ducked out today and picked up the EH - he was always nice and firm on that..

I won a bag of black hawk a while back and he liked it, so I stuck with it but he has gone to 'mush' on it..

RC was one the vet suggested for some reason - can't remember now but he thought it would be good for him.

Some of the RC add small amounts of glucosamine to the food?

Maybe thats why he suggested it, my vet suggested it to me for my by with patella issues for that reason.

Hope the chiro can help out :)

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The amounts of glucosamine and chondroitin contained in dog foods is nowhere near enough to be considered a therapeutic dose. If you are considering or need to supplement them, you will need something like Joint Gard or the like. I would personally supplement with human grade from a health food shop.

I'll see if I can find my sheet on the daily requirements.

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Thanks Jack,it would be good to see the dose for human stuff.

I did buy the RHV but he wouldn't eat anything that it was in or on. So I checked out the human tablet form and it worked out that he needed 10 tablets a day..

They make much higher doses for a lot of that stuff now, so maybe it will be a lot less for some other brands.

He has been on supplements for ages now. He takes the Blackmores Paws one (can't remember the exact name).. He had 3 chews for 4 weeks and then back to 2 chews as a daily dose..

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Thanks SnT.

I think the RC I bought yesterday was for large breed dogs as it had the supplements in it.

It doesn't really matter, he has been having supplements for a long time now.

The more I watch him the more I think it is his back - hopefully the chiro can work it out and help.

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We had our chiro appointment today and the vet was great.

Walks only - no rough housing until we see some improvement.

She found 3 spots on his spine that were particularly sore. His pelvis felt like it was tilted (might explain the hip issues) and his front left shoulder was very stiff.. Poor lad.

She manipulated him today and we go back in a fortnight.

My vet is organising copies of his hip x-rays for her today, so she can see exactly what is going on with his hips for herself.

Hopefully we are on the right track.

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Nosework is something you could try to keep him busy and happy :) Basically it is scent detection. You can use whatever reward the dog likes, if he finds just holding the ball rewarding you could easily still use that :) If you are only doing it for fun, you can use whatever scent you like.

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I might have a look on you tube for some examples and training.

I know we have a tracking group locally - not sure where but I will look them up.

ACT Companion Dog Club has some tracking people and Raelene Koerber teaches nosework.

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Oh does she? I know Raelene - I will give her a call (I didn't know that)..

Thanks heaps.

Is the ACT CDC the one that runs from Symonston?

I was going to switch clubs last year from Queanbeyan to the Symonston one but we had just paid and their joining fee was huge, so I stayed with Queanbeyan.

We are about to renew again so if it is Symonston I might bite the bullet and change over.

Edited by Staffyluv
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