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Mystery Illness


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Posting on behalf of a friend. She has an adult male Alaskan Malamute that over the past 2 or so weeks has become terribly ill. He has been pooing blood and is at the stage where he is straining to poo and when he does its little dribbles and bloody. He has since started losing vision and isn't eating as a result has lost a lot of weight and is just alround weak and shaky now. She has been to two vets and had numerous tests done and still no answers. Has anyone had a similar experience?

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I suggest she gets herself and the poor dog to a large vet hospital/teaching facility ASAP . I also think he should be IN hospital on supportive therapy while being tested ..

Hopefully he will find help soon... :(

Edited by persephone
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Needs to go somewhere like SASH or a vet with all the equipment.

Where in NSW are they located?

I spent a year trying to get my dog diagnosed - he had bloody poos/vomit. after special diets and meds etc etc, he was finally given an endoscopy and diagnosed with Inflammatory Bowel Disease.

He could not digest meat protein and had a stomach full of blood.

This dog sounds very serious, I hope your friend can get him to a specialist asap. I can recommend one or two vets that I know might help but SASH is very good.

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She is located in central QLD " They've been testing for parasite infections, or salmonella, or led poisoning, diabetes, inflammatory bowel disease, food allergy.... and a few other things that match his symptoms but nothing is showing up in his tests or faeces samples..." She has racked up over $1000 in tests already and they're charging her a consult fee every time she goes in. Frustrating situation for them. They also have a German Shepard who is perfectly fine and showing no signs of being I'll at all.

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Specialist ASAP before the dog's organs shut down completely.

I find it odd that two vets just shrugged their shoulders and let this dog's very serious condition deteriorate. Are you absolutely sure that's what happened?

IF they haven't been referred to a specialist already, they need a new vet/s regardless. No amount of blood panels and standard tummy upset diet: (Science Diet and boiled chicken&rice) is going to help something this nasty. He should at least be in a clinic under observation & on a drip to keep him hydrated and alive. Immediately.

edit: as far as I know, Immune Diseases similar to human Lupus is associated with certain breeds incl husky and mals.

Edited by Powerlegs
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Specialist ASAP before the dog's organs shut down completely.

I find it odd that two vets just shrugged their shoulders and let this dog's very serious condition deteriorate. Are you absolutely sure that's what happened?

IF they haven't been referred to a specialist already, they need a new vet/s regardless. No amount of blood panels and standard tummy upset diet: (Science Diet and boiled chicken&rice) is going to help something this nasty. He should at least be in a clinic under observation & on a drip to keep him hydrated and alive. Immediately.

edit: as far as I know, Immune Diseases similar to human Lupus is associated with certain breeds incl husky and mals.

I agree wholeheartedly . if it as posted ..a dog not eating, not pooing except blood- losing sight , and unsteady /shaky ..it is very needing of proper treatment /support.

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I'm gobsmacked this dog isn't in a vet and receiving IV fluids while they try to sort out a diagnosis.

Due to the joy of the the modern world, these sorts of mysteries can be forwarded to and discussed with specialits anywhere in the world.

Dog's owner needs to DEMAND her dog receive some treatment for his symptoms while they work on a cause.

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I can't imagine there would be any specialist centres in central qld. perhaps the OP could be more specific about the location, then some other locals may be able to recommend a decent vet. Clearly none of the ones she's tried are adequate...

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I don't know the geography of Qld but there is a specialist centre in Stafford Heights. I wonder if that location is feasible for the dog's owner.

I don't know the name of the specialist centre but the phone number is 335 90777.

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Central qld generally means mackay or Rocky - if not further. Would be a 10+ hour drive to Brisbane potentially. Not really feasible, or comfortable for the dog having to travel so far when so unwell.

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I don't know the geography of Qld but there is a specialist centre in Stafford Heights. I wonder if that location is feasible for the dog's owner.

I don't know the name of the specialist centre but the phone number is 335 90777.

Queensland Veterinary Specialists - http://www.qldvetspecialists.com.au/

They're just around the corner from where I live.

Perhaps their local vet in central Qld can get in contact with them and maybe review the dogs case?

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Call me a cynic but I bet the dog is not in hospital because the owner can't/won't pay for it. $1000 of tests and vet bills is nothing really. And of course you will be charged every time you go. This dogs needs to be on supportive care and referred to aspecialist, but that will cost $$$ too.

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Call me a cynic but I bet the dog is not in hospital because the owner can't/won't pay for it. $1000 of tests and vet bills is nothing really. And of course you will be charged every time you go. This dogs needs to be on supportive care and referred to aspecialist, but that will cost $$$ too.

Not the case at all. She is very willing to pay any costs as you can imagine it's quite distressing to have spent that money and not even have a diagnosis to be told oh well we can do this blood test and see what comes back.

She lives near Rockhampton for those asking to be more specific. She is quite frustrated because all of his tests have to be sent back to Brisbane which is obviously taking time too. One of her friends mentioned that her dog displayed similar symptoms and it was discovered she had a brain tumour so she will be asking her vet to look in to these things. Of course having similar symptoms doesn't mean they have the same thing though.

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Call me a cynic but I bet the dog is not in hospital because the owner can't/won't pay for it. $1000 of tests and vet bills is nothing really. And of course you will be charged every time you go. This dogs needs to be on supportive care and referred to aspecialist, but that will cost $$$ too.

Not the case at all. She is very willing to pay any costs as you can imagine it's quite distressing to have spent that money and not even have a diagnosis to be told oh well we can do this blood test and see what comes back.

She lives near Rockhampton for those asking to be more specific. She is quite frustrated because all of his tests have to be sent back to Brisbane which is obviously taking time too. One of her friends mentioned that her dog displayed similar symptoms and it was discovered she had a brain tumour so she will be asking her vet to look in to these things. Of course having similar symptoms doesn't mean they have the same thing though.

When my dog had a brain tumour I went to 3 different vets for their opinions, without telling them and they all concurred independently that his symptoms were most likely a brain tumour.

He didn't have bloody poo but had a myriad of other symptoms that increased/changed over a couple of months.

You can Google some symptoms and come up with possible answers, perhaps driving him somewhere else even if it is a couple of hours away?

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