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Feeding Rabbit


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Hi guys,

I'm being given a whole raw rabbit (skinned and gutted) to give to Reggie. Is there anything I should be cautious with?

She eats raw chicken every day but has never had organs before.

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I've only given Elsie whole rabbits with the skin on, and I had to cut some big holes in the skin to get her to eat it... She had the whole bunny and spent a good half hour just sniffing and licking its bum LOL once I had cut through the fur she figured it out pretty quick.

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Thanks guys. That's a shame it didn't agree with Breeze. I hope it agrees with Reg, I don't feel like cleaning up after her tonight lol.

I haven't got it yet, pick it up at 5. Will let you know how she goes :)

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Rabbit is great to feed if you can get it at a reasonable price. I would cut it in half and feed half today and keep half for tomorrow. Cooked boned rabbit is also magic with ill dogs who don't want to eat but raw I would leave all the bones in. I used to know some people who went rabbiting just to feed the dogs who got half a rabbit each a day, with fur on. They all ate it straight away except the bitch we bred who used to bury hers and dig up the one she had buried the day before. She liked hers aged. :vomit:

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Haha thanks Dancinbcs, yeah I was thinking I'd halve it depending on how big it is.

Reggie seemed to like her salmon head aged but I didn't appreciate the aged fish smell lulling about my backyard :laugh:

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DD- love how dog is giving 'that' stare ..as in ...one move toward my dinner - and you're in trouble - even tho it's your cousin!

Funny right! She is always very worried that he is going to steal her raw food! She doesn't seem to view him as food though :) He is just a pain, always in the middle of anything exciting :D

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Well she scoffed it down like it was her regular chicken!

Here's her first taste..


And here she is running off with it because apparently it was too good to share with me :laugh:


Into she shadows where it's too dark for me to photograph her lol

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I can get them for the dogs for $6.50 each..... still too expensive according to OH who wants to relive his boyhood & get himself a couple of ferrets :laugh:

LOL he needs to do better sums...the feeding, training and care of the ferrets plus the hunting times, petrol etc. could easily work out to a lot more than $6.50 a carcass! :)

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